Here’s What It’s Really Like To Go Back Home From Uni For Christmas

It's not all well-stocked fridges and fancy toilet paper you know

Here’s What It’s Really Like To Go Back Home From Uni For Christmas

by Phoebe Parke |
Published on

It’s that wonderful time of the year when you get to pack up an overloaded suitcase and leave uni for the Christmas holidays.

With visions of a well-stocked fridge and a clean bathroom firmly in mind, you brave the cold and make the epic journey back home, only to find things not quite as you left them.

There’s inevitably something a little different about home – a new piece of furniture, an unfamiliar smell, a painting you don’t remember being there.

You’re not alone, people have been sharing their experiences of coming home for Christmas on Twitter, and they’re the epitome of #relatable.


There are plenty of good things about coming home for Christmas, most of them involve food tbh.

Time to raid the fridge without any consequences.

And make better food choices. (Mushy pea toastie… really?!)

The bathroom is another key place to spend some time once you get back.

It’s the little things, like fancy toilet paper.

Or, any toilet paper at all.

And a powerful shower.

It’s also nice to see your family, and to know they’ve missed you.

Or just your dogs…

At least someone’s happy to see you.

Mums really are very sweet aren’t they?

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But all of sudden, you remember all the annoying things about being home.

Like chores.

And having to explain things.

Sometimes what you imagined home would be like isn’t really what it’s like, and unmet expectations are the worst.


It can all get a bit weird too, I mean, are you really home? You’re living out of a suitcase and still getting used to where everything is again.

Nothing makes sense.

Are you a guest, or nah?

And no one understands why you’re SO exhausted, tbh you don’t understand it either.

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Follow Phoebe on Twitter @PhoebeParke

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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