A Glass Of Wine Is On Tinder. Would You Date It?

One writer posed as a full-bodied Merlot on Tinder. Here's how he got on.

A Glass Of Wine Is On Tinder. Would You Date It?

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

Just when you thought Tinder was totally over, a glass of wine creates a profile and a whole new Tinder world opens up. A world of wine-based innuendo and jokes about six-inch stems.

FoodBeast writer Sean Fahmy conducted an experiment to see if posing as a glass of 24-year Merlot would heighten his chances of getting laid on an app often criticised for being too saturated with dick pics and people after quick hook-ups.

Describing himself as ‘full bodied’ and ‘sweet’, it actually ended up going pretty well considering the profile was for an inanimate object that’d be unable to meet for a date, let alone snog anyone.


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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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