Is hayfever is fast becoming the scourge of your summer? From puffy eyes to constant sneezing, with the added indignity of having to explain to total strangers that no, you're not weeping, it's just the high pollen count, this common seasonal affliction has a way of turning the warmer weather into a living nightmare.
You've doubtless tried every anti-histamine tablet and nasal spray to ever grace a pharmacy shelf in the hope of curbing your hayfever symptoms, but have you ever considered a more enjoyable solution - drinking a cool gin and tonic?
Research identifying the alcohol types that are more likely to trigger allergy symptoms suggests that that clear spirits (such as gin and vodka) are a better option as they are particularly low in histamines and sulphites (which can trigger the tell-tale itchy eyes and runny nose).
White wine and cider, meanwhile, have high levels of sulphites, and red wine and beers may contain higher levels of histamine (the chemicals that kickstart allergic reactions).
We're certainly not advocating this as the holy grail of hayfever cures (and if you've already taken anti-histamines to treat your symptoms, alcohol must be avoided). But if a night out (or in) is on the cards and you're hoping to ward off the sniffles, it's worth a try...
Discover more natural hayfever remedies...
DISCOVER: Natural hayfever remedies

Eat lots of Vitamin C
Oranges, lemons, limes – basically all citrus fruits – eat 'em! They have been proven to prevent the secretion of histamine, and as they also contain bioflavonoids – which have strong anti-allergy effects – they work as antihistamines too.

Choose chilli
Got a blocked and bunged up nose? Chomp on a chilli – that should clear it. (Or, you know, just eat some curry.)

Wear cucumber patches
Might look silly, but when they cure those itchy eyes – WHO'S LAUGHING NOW? The cucumber's got to be fridge-cold though.

Eat more honey
Apparently the bee pollen in honey can (we said 'can') de-sensitise your body to other pollens too. Worth a try – especially if the only solution to your early morning sneezing fit is to chomp on a gigantic croissant.

Drink chamomile tea
Chamomile contains flavonoids and as such, is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Best drunk as tea, but can be used as an eyes compress too.

Remember good old Vaseline
Dab a spot beneath your nostrils to catch that pollen trying to get in. Can't hurt, can it?!