Gift Ideas If Your Secret Santa Is Someone You Barely Know

Your brother’s new girlfriend, Kev-from-accounts, and your mate’s new Tinder boyfriend. Secret Santa can be a head-ache. We’ll run through all the best bits on eBay that you can pick up and wrap up totally stress free…


by Debrief Staff |
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Your brother’s new girlfriend, Kev-from-accounts, and your mate’s new Tinder boyfriend. Secret Santa can be a headache. We’ll run through all the best bits on eBay that you can pick up and wrap up totally stress free…

Your Brother’s Girlfriend

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Candles are perfect for that awkward relative/almost relative whom you know nothing about, i.e. your brother’s new girlfriend. You’ve only met her a few times and you think she might be in to the colour pink… and maybe green… or was it blue that she was wearing to that family BBQ? Try to figure out her favourite colour by stalking her pics on Facebook. Then, buy a luxurious scented candle in that colour. Voila! You are the sweet, caring, thoughtful sister-of-the-guy-she’s-dating, who buys nice candles and makes her feel like one of the family. #Winning.

Kev From Accounts

You try to avoid Kev at all costs. You sometimes catch him staring at you and he goes to the bathroom waaaaay to much. The fact that you have to buy him a gift has you frazzled. You don’t want to be that person at work who buys lazy last minute chocolates, so you’re hunting for something a little more personal. A customised mug with his name printed on it, (or maybe a fun office nick-name?) will have you sorted. Plus they’re pretty inexpensive.

Your Friend’s Annoying Tinder Boyfriend (seriously though… why is he even involved in this?)

For the sake of inclusivity, your best mate’s annoying Tinder boyfriend is allowed to participate in your group’s Secret Santa, and you’re horrified when you learn that you’ve drawn his name out of the Santa hat. All that you know about him consists of the details on his Tinder profile - his exact height and the fact that he doesn’t like ‘fake girls.’ Ask your friend for advice on the gift, but if that fails, go for something fun, like these funky, science-y shot glasses.

Alternatively, if you’re feeling brave, you could buy him a hilarious gift like this: (Your mate may murder you though.)

Ah well. It’s all in the spirit of Christmas…

Feeling inspired? Head to eBay for #inspo galore.

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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