How to Get the Best People to Follow Your Blog

Want to be a stand out blogger? Then you need to find your audience and here's how to get them...


by Debrief Staff |
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So, you’ve worked hard to get your blog looking the part and written some pretty engaging content, but what is a blog without its readers? If you want an actual following (as opposed to Mum, Dad and Skittles the dog) and to become a stand out blogger/vlogger, have a gander at the below:

**Preparation **

First things first, you need to do some basic prep. Invest in a good camera, microphone and recording equipment. Also, have some guidelines you can work to, ensuring consistency between posts. Are you the edgy relatable, or the well-researched authority? How often will you post? Get these things down initially and the rest will follow.

Tag, Tag, Tag

Be it fashion, fitness or food, I will bet you have a few favourite bloggers. If you aspire to have a similar following, have a little look at the tags on their posts and try and replicate them (only if they’re relevant, of course!) You’ll connect with their audience and soon have just as many followers lusting over your blog too…

STOP! Collaborate and Listen!

Ice is back with… Sorry, we digress. Use your top level people skills (and incredible wit, like we obviously have here at the Debrief) to contact fellow bloggers. Many bloggers have increased their audience numbers by collaborating with other members of the same community, for example, Zoella and Tanya Burr have collaborated together.

Google Analytics

In order to increase your audience, you’ll need to understand them. Decipher the males from the females, the old from the young and anything in between. This can give you some food for thought. Are most of your followers American, while you’re sitting with your cup of tea in ol’ Blighty? Maybe you can look at setting your posts live at their midday instead of ours?


If you want to meet others like you (who, you know, are also potential followers) attend panels and talks. Fleur De Force hosts quite a few to help people understand their audience and start conversations between likeminded people. There are many others, hosted by brands too.

Want to win Impulse’s ultimate blogging experience? Click here.

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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