#GenInstaTakeover: The instagram Takover You’re Going To Want To Tune Into

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#GenInsta: The instagram Takover You're Going To Want To Tune Into

by Alyss Bowen |
Published on

When you think of Instagram, what comes to mind? Is it fashion, or art? Or your friends accounts that you stalk meticulously from day to night? Or perhaps it’s the people using Instagram to change the world around them, because that’s a thing – and it’s happening on your very feed.

This week, Instagram are shining a spotlight on the young people all over the UK who are using Instagram to make change happen. That could be by challenging stereotypes or pushing boundaries, #GenInstaTakeover is all about focusing on those young people who are using social media to make change happen. This week long takeover bids to highlight and inspire, all from your Instagram app. Handy, hey?

We’ve got the amazing Zoe Daniels taking the reins on our Debrief Instagram until Thursday. This 18-year-old is a filmmaker, journalist, Girl Gaze ambassador and photographer, oh and she's actively known for fighting for feminism in the creative spheres one post at a time. She’s also the founder of the ZoeZine, a project she is launching in the summer of 2017 to help provide a platform for similar young creatives who want to showcase their work. So, NBD hey?

Make sure you tune in all this week to see what she’s up to, and search the #geninstatakeover on Instagram for more creative content.

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Follow Alyss on Instagram @alyssbowen

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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