FLEX Is Making Period Sex Fuss And Mess Free

Move over tampons and mooncups.

FLEX Is Making Period Sex Fuss And Mess Free

by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

Whether you use tampons, pads or a Mooncup, periods are never easy. It’s never a smooth time of the month, there will always be something that makes being on your period a bit of a pain – often literally.

FLEX is a disk-like shape that is inserted into the vaginal canal by pushing it back and down towards the cervix, rather than up like a tampon. It's then tucked behind the pubic bone and rests slightly diagonally.

The makers claim that you can wear it for up to 12 hours because the average woman menstruates about three teaspoons in 24 hours and the FLEX can holdup to six teaspoons meaning that it shouldn’t leak or overflow. It's also disposable so you throw it away after the 12 hours of use.

The edge of FLEX is made of a medical-grade polymer which uses body hear to warm up and mould to your natural shape which then creates a leak-free seal. The centre of FLEX collects the blood rather than absorbing it and when you go to remove it, the creases in the disk trap the fluid so there is no spillage.

And you know what else? It makes period sex a whole lot easier because it doesn’t sit inside of the vaginal canal like a menstrual cup or tampon so you can have sex whilst wearing it, minus any mess.

You can buy FLEX now and delivery will begin in September 2016, plus they’re even shipping to Europe. Score.

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Follow Chemmie on Twitter @chemsquier

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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