Facebook Might Soon Have Chat Rooms

Do we even want them though?!

Facebook Might Soon Have Chat Rooms

by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

If your early teens mainly took place on MSN (what was your ~ScReEn NaMe~?) it's probably pretty likely that you dabbled in chat rooms. I know I did. And lets be honest, they were more often that not, pretty weird – chatrooms that anyone could join and ask your A/S/L.

If that sounds familiar, the news that Facebook might be bringing public chat rooms to Messenger might seem a little odd. The feature is called Rooms and, according to Tech Crunch, references to it have been found in Messenger's source code which sounds complicated but we kind of get it.

Essentially – this 'Rooms' feature could be activated if they decided to.

In the code it says, 'Rooms are for public conversations about topics and interests. Each room has a link that can be shared so anyone on Messenger can join the conversation' and you can start your own Rooms about a certain topic.

Remember those massive MSN conversations, usually full of spam, which you'd be added to against your will back in the day? It sounds a bit like that, tbh.

When Tech Crunch approached Facebook for a statement about this they said, 'We often run small tests – nothing else to share beyond that.' Tech Crunch have even received screenshots of the function from one of their readers, showing it in action.

Apparently in 2014, Facebook tried out a standalone Rooms app which never took off and it looks as though this is only in the initial stages of testing so it might never officially roll out. But would that be such a bad thing? Do we really want a chatroom-like function on Facebook?

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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