Everyone's a slightly more embarrassing version of themselves on Facebook. There's something about the blue and white colourway and never-ending feed of engagement announcements that brings out an ever-so cringe persona in even the savviest of social media users, whether it's a new job #humblebrag that thanks all your fans (sorry, friends) for their support or a carefully posed 'Look how great my life is!' holiday snap. But while some of your sneakier online habits thankfully still remain hidden (cough - stalking your weird ex-housemate - cough), it turns out that the pictures you like on Facebook aren't so secret after all.
To see every single photo you have ever liked (dating back to 2009, which is when Facebook introduced the iconic ‘thumbs up’ function), simply type ‘photos liked by me’ into the search bar at the top of your page.
Then, it’s time to embark on a virtual (and weirdly non-chronological) trip down memory lane, with every single one of your embarrassing social media stages preserved in online amber. All those hyper-specific memes about your university city that were the toast of your Facebook feed? Still there. The #empowering quote superimposed on a picture of footsteps in some sand that you liked after a break-up? Still there.

There’s also the sneaky option to see photos your friends have liked - simply swap ‘liked by me’ for ‘liked by my friends.’ You can even personalise the search to find out what one friend in particular is liking. A little creepy? Yes. Useful for a quick bit of Facebook stalking? Most definitely.
Want to do some damage control before this hack becomes common knowledge? There's still time to scroll back through your liked pics and do a spot of unliking. We won't judge you. Honest.
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