Why Everyone’s Hating On The Snapchat Redesign

Snapchat has had a makeover, and people aren't happy about it

Why Everyone's Hating On The Snapchat Redesign

by Tasha Kleeman |
Published on

If you’ve been on Snapchat recently, you’ll know that things are looking a little different. If you swiped right, where your friends’ stories used to be you will have found Snapchat’s new ‘Discover’ page, featuring content from media publishers and celebrities. To find your friends’ stories, you will have had to swipe left, where they now sit interspersed within your direct messages. And if you’re anything like the million people who have signed a petition urging Snapchat to reverse this madness, you will have found the change confusing and disorienting

The redesign is Snapchat’s attempt to make the app ‘more personal’, creating a clear divide between your social interaction with your friends, and the content you consume from brands, celebrities and media outlets. In a 60-second video, co-founder Evan Spiegel explained: ‘your friends aren’t content, they’re relationships, that’s why today we’re separating the social from the media’.

Snapchat isn’t the first to make a change like this, with Facebook recently introducing an algorithm that prioritises posts from friends and family over branded content. And in an age in which advertisers seem to be penetrating every aspect of our lives, and in which the real and the virtual are becoming increasingly blurred, they’re probably for the best.

Well-intentioned as it may be, however, from a user-interface point of view, Snapchat’s redesign is a bit of a nightmare. Angry Snapchatters have taken to Twitter to express their dislike of the update:

Equally unhappy are the celebrities who have found themselves demoted to the realm of media content. After asking her followers what they thought of the update, Kylie Jenner admitted she agreed with the haters:

Chrissy Teigan also isn't a fan:

Maybe if Snapchat won't listen to the 1,024,180 (a number that's rapidly rising) people who have signed the petition to reverse the update, they'll listen to Chrissy Teigen. We can only hope.


Debrief Original Tinder Opening Lines

Original Tinder Opening Lines1 of 18
CREDIT: TinderNightmares

Original Tinder Opening Lines

So lazy, it's almost funny

Original Tinder Opening Lines2 of 18
CREDIT: Styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Sometimes you just need cheese (and fruit)

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CREDIT: Styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Get right to the point

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CREDIT: Styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

3,000 gentleman points for you

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CREDIT: @Styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Everyone loves a realist

Original Tinder Opening Lines6 of 18
CREDIT: @tinderlines

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Such a forward-thinker

Original Tinder Opening Lines7 of 18
CREDIT: @styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Well played

Original Tinder Opening Lines8 of 18
CREDIT: @styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

They sound like a champ

Original Tinder Opening Lines9 of 18
CREDIT: @styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Genuine fear at the thought of losing you? Quite sweet, actually

Original Tinder Opening Lines10 of 18
CREDIT: @styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

They clearly want to make it work

Original Tinder Opening Lines11 of 18
CREDIT: @styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Yes. Just yes

Original Tinder Opening Lines12 of 18
CREDIT: @Tinderlines

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Great taste in music

Original Tinder Opening Lines13 of 18
CREDIT: @tindernightmares

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Mexican food does scream romance

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CREDIT: @TinderNightmares

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Another Tinder artist shows us how its done

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CREDIT: @TinderNightmares

Original Tinder Opening Lines

It's good to be prepared for all possible scenarios

Original Tinder Opening Lines16 of 18
CREDIT: @Styleloveconvo

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Quite cute tbh

Original Tinder Opening Lines17 of 18
CREDIT: @TinderNightmares

Original Tinder Opening Lines

A* for effort

Original Tinder Opening Lines18 of 18
CREDIT: @TinderNightmares

Original Tinder Opening Lines

Props for committing to this pick up line

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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