The Election Via Emojis: Political Headlines This Week As Told By Emoji

The top political news stories of the week, in emoji format. Because you're busy and you have people to text, and sandwiches to eat.


by Stevie Martin |
Published on

When Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop did a brilliant emoji interview with Buzzfeed over the weekend, we learned stuff that would have passed us by if embedded into a dry article about politics. For example, their relationship with Indonesia is :-(. Which obviously made us google Australian - Indonesian relations all morning, and now we're pretty goddamn knowledgeable about Australian foreign policy, thanks.

It also got us thinking how accessible politics would be if more emojis were used - yes, political snobs (or just political correspondents) will be eye-rolling all over the place, but if they spoke a bit more in our language (and no, David Cameron, nobody uses the term 'chatarama' to describe an informal conversation) then maybe we'd be more engaged.

Featuring, the following Big Hitters (i.e. the four main parties that are hitting the headlines right now):


Anyway, here's what's kicking in the current election race - as described in emoji format:

**Labour roll out their new campaign for women, using a pink minibus. **


Now, read the full story here...

The Conservative's pledge to cut benefits for drug addicts and alcoholics


Now read the full story here

The Lib Dems hit a 25-year low in polls


Read more on the story here...

**The Green Party do a bit of crowdfunding for their campaign... and absolutely nail it. **


**Read more on the story here... **

And, just to round things off, here are the results of the latest ICM poll - with number of emoji, relating to number of points. The Tophats -sorry - Tories have gained six points to remain in the lead above Labour who are down one point, Lib Dems who are down by a point, along with Green Party and UKIP who are also down by a point each.


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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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