The Number Of Kids Being Excluded From School For Drug And Alcohol Use Is On The Rise

Figures show that it's the highest it's been in a decade.

The Number Of Kids Being Excluded From School For Drug And Alcohol Use Is On The Rise

by Latifah Davis-Cole |
Published on

Sadly, figures published by the Department for Education show that 9,250 permanent and fixed-term exclusions were handed out to state-funded school students in 2015 to 2016. The exclusions were for drugs and alcohol. In addition, 2,140 exclusions were due to sexual misconduct – 5 permanent primary school exclusions and 200 fixed period exclusions.

BBC News analysed the figures and the results demonstrated a tremendous increase in the last 10 years.

Although, we have to take into consideration that the school population has grown drastically – perhaps, explaining why the drug and alcohol exclusions is at its highest rate since 2010.

Institution of Public Police Research reports shows that nearly two-thirds of an adults’ prison population were at some point excluded from school. However, the statistics did not show whether their exclusions were drug or alcohol related.

Perform Well organisation believe that school-based drug and alcohol abuse is due to the influence of attitudes and norms of peers. The organisation suggests that the effective approach is to teach students how to resist peer influences.

The leader of drugs charity ‘Mentor UK’ Michael O’Toole said:

‘School need to make sure they have a drugs policy in place to deal with this issue but at the same time we need to make sure those children who are excluded for drug offences don’t suffer in the long term,’ he says. ‘We need to get the message home that the vast majority of people don't take drugs.’

A spokesperson for the Department For Education said:

‘Permanent exclusion should only be used as a last resort, in response to a serious breach, or persistent breaches, of the school's behaviour policy.’

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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