Donald Trump Is Wreaking Havoc: Here’s Everything That’s Happened In The Last Five Days

While his Muslim ban came into effect Donald Trump was watching Finding Dory. Yes, really.

Donald Trump Is Wreaking Havoc: Here's Everything That's Happened In The Last Five Days

by Vicky Spratt |
Published on

We have entered the second week of Donald Trump’s presidency. Still riding high on a wave of populism Trump, the self-appointed anti-establishment man of the people and elected leader of the free world, has followed through on as many of his campaign promises as he possibly can. There’s a lot to take in.

You would struggle to write the following in a plausible script for even the most far-fetched political drama. Right now, reality is making Designated Survivor, Homeland, The West Wing and Scandal look pedestrian.

On Friday Britain’s Prime Minister met with Donald Trump. She was the first world leader to meet with America’s new Commander in Chief. It was all smiles, hands were held, the special relationship was reaffirmed and a trade deal was in the air. The only person to bring the entire charade back down to earth was the BBC’S political editor, Laura Kuenssberg. Hours later, Trump signed an executive order (known as the ‘Muslim ban’) which prevented people from several Muslim majority nations (including war-ravaged Syria) from travelling to the United States for 90 days in order, he said, to ensure the country's safety and prevent terror attacks.

As she conducted a flying visit of Turkey to meet with the country’s controversial leader, Erdogan, Theresa May initially refused to condemn Trump’s actions while other leaders such as Angela Merkel were quick to criticise him. Merkel, reportedly, immediately picked up the phone to ‘explain’ the Geneva Convention to Trump. To many at home, May’s actions signalled a betrayal of Britain’s principals and raised questions about the extent of our newfound Brexit ‘independence’.

By Sunday, Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ was in full effect. There was chaos in airports as refugees and green card holders alike from affected countries were detained as they attempted to enter the United States because of a perceived urgent Trumpian threat (based on no specific intelligence). Outside, protests took place as American’s took to the streets to show their solidarity with those affected. There was, also, tragedy as a Canadian national carried out a terror attack on a mosque took place in nearby Canada simultaneously. As portents go, these are more Shakespeare than Disney Pixar and they don’t get much more apt or chillingly fitting.

While all of this unfolded, President Trump hosted a screening of Finding Dory at the White House. If you thought Trump’s executive order seemed hasty, if you thought his policies were glib, then his tweet explaining why the policy was rushed in with no notice to those affected should clear up his intellectual stance on the matter:

The last 48 hours have seen people take to the streets across the world to protest against Trump’s actions, resist his presidency and show solidarity for those affected by his divisive executive order.

On Monday afternoon, Donald Trump fired Sally Yates, the acting US attorney general(who was appointed by Obama), after she told justice department lawyers not to defend his executive order because she was not convinced it was ‘lawful’ or constitutional. In a statement the White House said that Yates had ‘betrayed’ the administration and her office: ‘Ms Yates is an Obama administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration’, it read.

On Monday evening, in the UK people gathered outside Downing Street to protest. They stood in solidarity with those being targeted by Trump and sent a coherent message to Theresa May: trade deal or no trade deal Britain shouldn’t be getting into bed with Donald Trump and cheerfully holding his handas we go, no matter how much he wants to hitch his wagon to Brexit.

Which brings us to now, Tuesday January 31st. A petition calling for the Trump’s invitation to a state visit to be rescinded by Maytopped a million signatures in 24 hours. It’s still climbing, at the time of writing it had close to 1.7 million names behind it. Another

, outside the US Embassy in London and MPs are to debate whether or not the red carpet should be rolled out for a Trump state visit.

And, the future? Where does all of this leave us? While a divisive and impetuous xenophobe sits in the White House, Britain seems unable to stand up to him. As meme after meme points out, it’s all rather redolent of the scene from Love Actually where Hugh Grant makes a stand against the American president after he sexually harasses Martine McCutcheon. Britain wait’s with baited breath for May’s Love Actually moment, while the Daily Mail rejoices and continues to lazily compare her to Thatcher because she’s ‘not for turning’. Does May’s refusal to call Donald Trump out and condemn his behaviour signal tacit agreement with Trump’s actions? After all, it was only a week ago that May said she wouldn't be afraid to call Trump out if he said or did anything 'unacceptable'. Or, is Britain a whole lot weaker after Brexit than we’d like to admit? Either way, events are unfolding at the speed of light and there’s a very real chance that Theresa May finds herself on the wrong side of history.

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Follow Vicky on Twitter @Victoria_Spratt

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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