This Moving Norwegian Video About Rape And Sexual Violence Has Gone Viral

This moving viral video from Care Norway spreads a message about rape

This Moving Norwegian Video About Rape And Sexual Violence Has Gone Viral

by Lauren Smith |
Published on

A moving video released by Care Norway aims to raise awareness of sexual violence against women by urging fathers and fathers-to-be not to turn a blind eye to violence, or to show any tolerance for misogynistic behaviour, including physical and verbal abuse.

The five-minute video released by the organisation, and from the perspective of an unborn girl speaking to her father, describes the possible difficulties she will experience as a woman during her lifetime, from being called a ‘slut’ at school, to being pressured into having sex while drunk as a teenager, to being raped as a 21 year old, and then physically abused by a partner.

The video, which has seen nearly 1 million views on YouTube, then ends on the powerful few lines:

‘Dear Daddy, this is the favour I want to ask, one thing always leads to another. So please stop it before it has the chance to begin. Don’t accept insulting jokes by weird guys by the pool, or even friends. Because behind every joke, there is some truth. I will be born a girl, please do everything you can so that won’t be the greatest danger of all.’

World Health Organisation statistics suggest that one in three women have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, and approximately 85,000 women are raped in England and Wales every year, making this important viewing.

Watch below:

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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