This Is Cutest Of All The Cute Things To Have Ever Happened At A Wedding

Don't even try to out cute this. You will fail.Photos by Ashley Elizabeth

This Is Cutest Of All The Cute Things To Have Ever Happened At A Wedding

by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

The average age of a flower girl is around four years old. Their role in the wedding party is pretty self explanatory: they scatter flowers before the bride walks down the aisle.

A couple in Pennsylvania decided to go a little off piste and ask their grandmothers to be their flower women in what is possibly the cutest ever thing to have happened at a wedding.

Joyce Benedict, 75, and Drue Fitzgerald, 74, scattered rose petals down the aisle wearing matching grey–blue gowns which they picked out together.


The bride, Maggie Wakefield, 22, and her now husband had decided to give their grandmothers a special role in their wedding because of the big influence they’ve had in their lives. As well as that, Maggie’s dad died of colon cancer in 2013 and wanted his side of the family to play a big part in her day. As well as her grandmother, her grandfather, Ronal Sr., walked her down the aisle.

Speaking to Today, Maggie said they were surprised by all the attention they’ve been getting. ‘They just can't believe it, wrapping their minds around the internet,' she said. 'I told them they were social media queens. They think it's great.’

Yes to more Grandmothers being flower girls, please.

All pictures courtesy of Ashley Elizabeth

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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