This Mattress Can Tell You If Your SO Is Cheating On You. Because Obviously.

Snooping tactics are becoming increasingly creative

This Mattress Can Tell You If Your SO Is Cheating On You. Because Obviously.

by Marianna Manson |
Published on

If you had to chance to find out if your SO was sleeping with someone else, with absolutely no chance of being found out yourself, would you do it?

Thankfully, a leading furniture company in Spain have produced a high tech mattress intended to sneakily alert the buyer if their partner is doing the dirty on them with someone else whilst they’re out at work.

Ingeniously named the ‘Smarttress’, the mattress is fitted with concealed sensors that cleverly detect unusual movement, and then send a message alert to the buyer’s phone to let them know that something fishy could be going on…. (warning: potentially ineffective if spy-ee decides build mattress fort, or practise yoga in bed etc).

It’s actually very science-y. A design engineer at Durmet, the company behind the invention, told The Telegraph that ‘when the ultrasonic sensors inside the mattress detect rhythmic movements, the communication system sends information to the server.’

‘If it detects suspicious activity regarding time of use, frequency, intensity or speed, it sends a notification to the phone terminal with which it is linked.’

But why go to such extreme lengths to find out (especially when the cost of a basic double-bed sized Smarttress is around £1,200)? What happened to good old fashioned phone stealing, or – shock, horror! – an honest conversation?

Recent surveys have indicated that Spanish people are particularly likely to be unfaithful in long-term relationships, with extra-marital affairs website (i.e., cheating facilitator) Ashley Madison revealing that subscribers from Spain make up over a million of their clients. Luckily, this new addition to the furniture market promises that ‘If your partner isn’t faithful, then at least your mattress will be,’ – yes, that is really the product slogan – so Spaniards cam finally put their minds at rest (and their bodies, at the end of a long, hard day.)

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Follow Marianna on Twitter: @mmanson1992

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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