A New Study Says Couples Who Set Goals Together Have Better Sex

What goals are you setting?

Couples Sex Life

by Chloe Collins |
Updated on

In our lives we’re trying to do it all in every area. Money, work, health, and relationships it’s never-ending. Even in our sex life we’re always trying to find ways to be better. A recent study by Calexotics, found that people who say they have incredible are more likely to be goal-setters in multiple areas of their lives - sex life included.

The research found that 93% of individuals who said they have great sex set daily goals for themselves. While 52% found their sex life to be 'boring or non-existent' don't set goals consistently.

It's one thing to individually thrive by setting goals and having everything in order, however, doing them with a partner is another factor. The study found that 84% of couples who set goals together have incredible sex compared to the 42% of couples who said their sex life is 'boring or non-existent.'

Along with setting goals the study said, couples who did describe their sex life as 'incredible' were more inclined to have seen a sex therapist or relationship counsellor. Many goals the couples said they set together included topics surrounding health and fitness, sex, money, and relationships.

Around 44% of couples said the goals they set together dealt with sex. Addressing things such as how often they have sex, trying new positions, or attempting to be more 'kinky'. However, couples did set goals that were more emotional, by sharing more and being more open and reliable.

When setting goals on topics like finances, only 79% of couples said they discuss topics on spending and budgeting.

The study showed that only 6% of couples don't discuss or talk about any goals.

Kate Moyle, a psychosexual and relationship psychotherapist, she told Cosmopolitan, 'People who are goal-setters tend to be focussed, and offer what they want to achieve intention and attention, and this same rule can apply to our sex lives.'

READ MORE: Could 'Leaning Out' Improve Your Sex Life?

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