Clue, The Best App For Women You’ve Never Heard Of

It doesn't just track your periods - it basically does everything you can't be bothered thinking about.

Clue, The Best App For Women You've Never Heard Of

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

There’s an app for women that you might not have heard about, and it just might change the way you go about your contraception, periods and general day-to-day life. Why? Because not only does it track your monthly cycle, Clue also tracks and predicts your moods, sex drive, appetite, when you’re at your most fertile and reminds you when to take your birth control pills.

It’s not pink, it’s not girly, it doesn’t send you faux-matey notifications that say things like, ‘Hey girl, you haven’t checked us out in a while!’ (a lot of these apps do this and it’s so annoying), and the inventor, Ida Tin, just wants it to be super-useful for the average girl.

‘I was around 30 and wasn‘t on the pill, because it didn’t work that well for me. I was wondering why nobody had built a really good tool to manage this part of life,’ she told the BBC. ‘Clue is all about empowering women. It allows women to make better individual health decisions, and to improve their overall wellbeing.’

Set up in 2012, there are already 2,000,000 women using Clue in over 180 countries – and Ida hopes it will kick off in the UK, too. We don’t see how it won’t, tbh.

‘We don’t have a typical app user. It’s a group as diverse as women are on this planet. A lot of girls and women are using Clue because they want to know themselves and their bodies better,’ she says. ‘Some women are using Clue because they’re trying to get pregnant, others to get reminders to take their birth control pills, or to share their data with a doctor.’

Working closely with scientists and medical professionals to ensure accuracy, the more information you put into the app, the more you get out of it and the more accurate it become. Download it for iPhone or Android if you’re curious. Of course, it’s also free.

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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