Last month Samsung updated their emoji keyboard along with the release of the Note 7 phone, however something was not quite right with a certain emoji.

The ‘fingers crossed’ hand appears to have gained an extra finger as pointed out by ‘Emojipedian’ Dustin Howett on Twitter.
The Unicode Consortium, a non-profit organisation, are responsible for designing emojis. Once created they send them out to the big tech companies like Google and Samsung who alter them so they fit with their design.
Was the six fingered hand created to prank users or was it a slip up by Samsung in the alteration process?
Speaking to the Mirror Online Emojipedia founder Jeremy Burger said he did not notice the addition of the extra finger when writing about Samsung’s update:
‘The first I saw of the six fingered Samsung emoji was when Dustin Howett mentioned it on Twitter a few days later. Until then, no one had contact me, and Emojipedia had no reference to the oddity. How does that kind of thing get released?’
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.