Anyone who has ever had their ex come up on Facebook’s ‘On This Day’ feature knows how horribly gut wrenching it can be. In fact, it can make you want to turn the whole feature off and throw your laptop into a fire.
Thankfully, Facebook has woken up to this and provided you with the option of blocking your ex from the feature, which means you don’t have to worry about the painful memories surfacing every day when you log in.
To sort this out, you head to the
, hit preferences and add any people or dates you want to forget forever. Yep, it doesn’t even have to be your ex – you could block that awful birthday where you cried and everyone took pictures. Or that friend who you fell out with and never want to be reminded of again.
Clever Facebook. We’ll be blocking all our exes immediately and enjoying our memories without pain or the possibility of destroying our laptops. Because they are expensive.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.