Can We Guess Where You Live Based On Your Halloween Costume?

Newsflash: your zombie costume just isn't as ingenious as you had anticipated.

Can We Guess Where You Live Based On Your Halloween Costume?

by Charley Ward |
Published on

If you’re a Northern lass with a desire to stand out from the crowd, then ditch the Cinderella costume this Halloween.

Inspired by the rise in Brits searching for fancy dress and Halloween-related discounts, the team at vouchercloud.comhave quizzed 2,647 UK individuals about their Halloween plans.

The respondents who said they were planning on donning a costume for the evening were asked what they were going to wear, which used to determine any regional trends.

Here are the results:

North West – a Disney character (33%)

South East – traditional Halloween costumes, eg ghosts, witches & skeletons (29%)

West Midlands – a zombie (28%)

Yorkshire and Humberside – an animal (25%)

Scotland – a Morphsuit (24%)

East of England – uniformed service, like nurses, doctors, etc. (22%)

East Midlands – a superhero (20%)

London – a living celebrity – Miley Cyrus (19%)

Wales – traditional Halloween costumes, eg ghosts, witches & skeletons (18%)

North East – a movie character (17%)

Northern Ireland – a dead celebrity, eg Marilyn Monroe (15%)

South West – a zombie (15%)

The Welsh and those in the South East were the most traditional, deciding they were going to go with a classic pumpkin, witch or ghost get-up, while residents of the East of England fancy getting a little raunchier, choosing to dress up as service members like nurses, doctors or police officers.

Most surprising, perhaps, is the revelation that nearly a quarter of Scots are planning to spend the evening running around in a Morphsuit. This, while not really conventional in a Halloween sense, is still a pretty scary image.

The poll also revealed that we couldn’t give a shit about our partner’s costumes, with only 12% of respondents admitting to wearing matching his-and-hers outfits, while 38% have co-ordinated their fancy dress with their mates.

So, do these results surprise you? Are you a victim of the Halloween costume hive mindset? Or are you boldly going where no Welsh trick-or-treater has gone before and ordering a Morphsuit off Ebay for the evening?

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** Follow Charley on Twitter: @charrrkey**

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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