We’re Calling Bullshit On These 8 Period Myths

We're calling bullshit on the weirdest menstrual myths out there. For starters, you're *not* more likely to be attacked my a shark when you're on your period. Phew.

We're Calling Bullshit On These 8 Period Myths

by Ella Ingram |
Published on

1. You can't go swimming on your period

This one split The Debrief team (and may be the reason this piece was written) so, does your period stop when you're in water? Apparently, your period doesn't slow down or stop while you're in water but it may just not flow outside of the vagina because of the counter pressure of the water. So while that may mean that you could get lucky with a pad or tampon free swim (as a few of our writers have done) it's not a 100% stain-free zone. The decision is yours.

2. Toxic Shock Syndrome doesn’t happen anymore

While we remember hearing more horror stories about Toxic Shock Syndrone (TSS) when we were teenagers, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen anymore. The case of 13-year-old Jemma-Louise Roberts, who died from Toxic Shock Syndrome was reported this week. TSS is rare, but is more likely to occur when a woman wears a 'super absorbent' tampon for days at a time instead of the recommended 3 to 4 hours before changing.

3. Period blood is different to ‘normal’ blood

Remember and repeat after me: menstrual blood is the exact same as 'normal' blood. While the colour and thickness may change depending on the day of your cycle as well as your hormone levels, it's not dirty or any different from normal blood. Period.

There are so many menstrual myths across different religions and cultures about women being 'unclean' when they menstruate. Some even separate menstruating women from others during their time of the month (see below for examples).

4. Your period syncs up with BFFs, flatmates and women you spend hella lotta time with

A 1971 study speculated that women who spend a lot of time together sync up their periods. While I may have experienced this as a teenager with my BFF who I saw at school, it's a bit strange that I never synced up with my mum or sister who I shared a house and every day with... This is more likely to be coincidental rather than scientific and it doesn't really make sense evolutionarily as it would mean that all the woman in a tribe wouldn't be able to get pregnant - not exactly ideal when you're responsible for procreating.

5. You’re more at risk of of a bear/shark attack when on your period

Bit of a weird one... but there is no scientific evidence that women are more susceptable to shark or bear attacks as period blood is actually odourless so they can't be drawn to your scent anymore than a mans.

6. Period sex (pretty everything about it)

  1. A lot of people think that girls don't want to have sex on their periods, or that period sex in general is gross. This is so so wrong and such a huge generalisation. Yes, some girls might not like the idea of period sex, but some do and you definitely shouldn't turn down period sex just because you think it's gross.

Many researchers believe that the contractions that occur during orgasm can actually soothe menstrual cramps making your period less uncomfortable. On top of that, orgasms also release endorphins (which your body is lacking during your period) and acts as natural painkillers and mood enhancers - winner.

  1. You can still get pregnant when you're on your period. It's highly unlikely, but still possible so don't skip on the condom.

7. Tampons can get lost in your vagina

Tampons can't get lost in your vagina. NOTHING can get lost in your vagina. The average vagina is 3 to 4 inches long (although it can stretch during vaginal intercourse and pregnancy) so you should be able to feel a displaced or forgotten tampon so don't worry about using tampons - and if you can't get a tampon out your doctor and nurse can always help.

8. You can’t wash your hair on your period

Where did this one come from?! If your mum or grandma ever told you that you can't wash your hair while you're on your period then forget everything they said, right now. It has absolutely no bearing on your cycle so if you feel like washing your hair do it.

Menstrual myths from around the world


Some tribes won’t let menstruating women and girls drink milk from cows in case they contaminate the herd. Other tribes won’t let women plant groundnuts while they’re on their period, as they believe it ill result in a poor crop yield.


Apparently… if other people see a menstrual cloth the owner of the cloth will become cursed.


Women and girls in some parts of the country aren’t allowed to enter the kitchen or cook while on their periods, as some people believe it will cause food to go bad or rot.


Old menstrual cloths must be buried or evil spirits will be attracted to them.


Women on their period cannot bathe near any shared utensils as people believe their menstrual blood can kill their family members

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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