British Public Invited To Vote On Name For New Boat And Go Rogue

But isn't this the best name for a boat ever?

British Public Invited To Vote On Name For New Boat And Go Rogue

by Zoe Cassell |
Published on

RRS Boaty McBoatface could be the name of a new £200m research ship, following an influx of over 28,000 votes. We definitely don't think they the Great British public's sarcastic humour in mind when The National Environment Research Council invited people to suggest boat names in an online vote.

RRS Boaty McBoatface is currently leading by a whopping 25,000 votes. Coming in second with just over 3,000 votes is RRS Henry Worsley - a British explorer who died in January whilst attempting to be the first man to cross the Antarctic unaided.

The new boat will be built in Merseyside and hopes to bring a boost to the Northern ship-building trade, by creating approximately 400 jobs and 60 apprenticeships.

In a press release on 17 March Jo Johnson, the Minister for Universities and Science, encouraged school pupils, parents, teachers and adults to take part and suggest a name they would like to see on the side of the research ship. Was he expecting RRS Boaty McBoatface (I can't stop laughing) - we think not.

Ultimately, the final name will be decided by the NERC. The closing date for suggestions is 16 April and you can suggest names here. Will Boaty McBoatface be triumphant? We bloody hope so.

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Follow Zoe on Twitter @zocassell

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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