Brexit To Blame For Increase In Bacon Prices

Yep, as if Brexit wasn't bad enough, it's gotten between us and a bacon sarnie.

Brexit To Blame For Increase In Bacon Prices

by Marianne Eloise |
Published on

Despite many still clinging to the claim (or hope) that nothing has changed post-Brexit, we've been assaulted with yet another devastating fact in the midst of plummeting exchange rates and scrapped retirement plans.

Yep, Brexit is fucking with your favourite hangover indulgence, too.

The price of bacon has dramatically increased (38% since July), as China are taking advantage of our weak sterling and buying up British pork. This is also down to China trying to make up for their own shortage after devastating floods. Their pork is apparently low quality, so in comes superior Brit bacon at a time when they can better afford it. This will all mean a price hike of around 19% once you actually get to the tills.

Oh, and floods in Europe could drive up the cost of chips and crisps. It truly, genuinely, could not get any worse.

It probably will.

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Follow Marianne on Twitter @marianne_eloise

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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