Bra Shop Thinks Greggs Will Make Their Pants Smell Like Sausage Rolls

But What if I Want My Bras to Smell Like Greggs?

Bra Shop Thinks Greggs Will Make Their Pants Smell Like Sausage Rolls

by Lauren Rae |
Published on

Remember when you’d throw your bra on the side table next to your half eaten kebab just to get it away from you after a drunken night out? Then you’d wake up in the morning and it’d smell like an amalgamation of sweat and meat. Mmmmm.

Right, now that you’ve got that memory firmly imprinted on your brain, spare a thought for bra store Bravissimo in Belfast who have complained that their future neighbour Greggs will leave their stock ‘smelling of sausage rolls and pies’, when they eventually move in next door. In the grand scheme of things it’s probably not the worst thing that could happen.

With planning permission in the works, Greggs was hoping to open up its third store in Belfast, using the vacant space next door to the lingerie shop. Bravissimo however have raised concerns at the prospect of the café selling hot food. But what would Greggs be without hot food though? Just a shop selling smarties-cookies, gingerbread man and fizzy drinks right?

Mike Tremelle, spokesman for Bravissimo says his concerns lie in their stock as they will have a stockroom directly above the new Greggs store. According to the director, Bravissimo lingerie is made out of materials that tend to pick up smells quite easily, and he worries they won’t be able to shift stock if the bras smell like meat-filled pastries.

Greggs have also issued a statement in retaliation saying that they hope to move in as planned despite next doors concerns. Spokeswoman for Greggs told the Belfast Telegraph, 'As a responsible company we are happy to work with our neighbours to try to alleviate any concerns that they may have about our operations.' Greggs is still awaiting confirmation for planning permission on the store and it’s undetermined when or even if they will even move in. Bravissimo however who have committed to a 10-year lease on their shop are basically noooooot happy.

Sounds like Bravissimo strapped their bras a little too tight.

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Follow Lauren on Twitter @lawrenrae_

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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