‘Binge Watch’ Is The Word Of Year: All The Words That Made It In 2015

The Words That Made It In 2015


by Emma Spedding |
Published on

All those hours in front of* Breaking Bad*/ Gossip Girl/ House of Cards/ Game of Thrones are being finally recognised. No Netflix isn't going free and they aren't bringing back Breaking Bad for another season [WHY TV GODS WHY].

'Binge-watch' has been named the word of the year by Collins. According to their lexicographers, the word 'binge watch' has been used 200% more this year. So we're not alone in our 'just one more episode' habit. Collins referenced a video by Tivo which said that 92% of viewers watch more than three episodes of one series in one day. Been there.

Other words which are so 2015 include transgender, dad bod, clean eating, shaming and manspreading. See the 10 words that define 2015 below...

Binge-watch: to watch a large number of television programmes (especially all the shows from one series) in succession.

Clean eating: following a diet that contains only natural foods, and is low in sugar, salt, and fat.

Contactless: referring to payments, smart cards, etc that utilise RFID (radio-frequency identity) technology and do not require a PIN or signature from the customer.

Corbynomics: the economic policies advocated by the UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Dadbod: an untoned and slightly plump male physique, especially one considered attractive.

Ghosting: ending a relationship by ignoring all communication from the other person.

Manspreading: the act or an instance of a male passenger in a bus or train splaying his legs in a way that denies space to the passenger sitting next to him.

Shaming: attempting to embarrass a person or group by drawing attention to their perceived offence, especially on social media.

Swipe: to move a finger across a touchscreen on a mobile phone in order to approve (swipe right) or dismiss (swipe left) an image.

Transgender: of or relating to a person whose gender identity does not fully correspond to the sex assigned to them at birth.

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