The Best Naked Animals On The Internet RN

For your own amusement

The Best Naked Animals On The Internet RN

by Zoe Cassell |
Published on

Following the recent internet hype of the guinea pig nudes (yes, you heard correctly) we have put together the following definitive list. You can thank us later.

1) If you haven't seen already seen THE naked guinea pig - a regal character named Ludwig - is pictured modelling with his favourite foods.

5) Naked raccoon. This one is just plain weird. I don't want to look, but I CAN'T.STOP.LOOKING.

6) The bald rooster. This will never not be funny. How a naked rooster has that Friday feeling I do not know, but I am living for his moves.

7) The shaven llama. Okay, so this one isn't technically naked. But it is amazing. I want that job...

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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