This Is The Best Country To Be An Expat In

Thinking of moving abroad? Read this if you're not sure where to go.


by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

For many people, Brexit was the beginning of thoughts that can mainly be summarised as: how the hell do I get out of here? followed by, and where the hell do I go? Now, thanks to HSBC's expat explorer report which involved YouGov surveying nearly 27,000 from 190 countries and territories asking them a variety of questions like how easy it is for them to live there.

HSBC then calculated a score out of 1 for each category and used this to rank the various destinations.

So where came out top as the best place for expats to live? Singapore! This came in at first place with an overall score of 0.57.

But while they won over all, different countries scored better than others in certain areas. For example, Switzerland is the top country to increase your earnings in and Hong Kong wins at career progression. Canada came out top for friendliness with over two-thirds of people saying it was friendlier than their home country, while New Zealand and Spain trumped in quality of life, culture and integration.

And here are how other countries fared...

Top places to live as an expat

  1. Singapore

  2. New Zealand

  3. Canada

  4. Czech Republic

  5. Switzerland

  6. Norway, Austria, Sweden (joint scores)

  7. Bahrain, Germany, Australia (joint scores)

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Follow Chemmie on Twitter @chemsquier

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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