I’ve only had Berocca twice and don’t understand a) what it is b) what it does or c) if it works, so thought I’d speak to some experts to get the definitive answer as to whether you should splurge on those fizzy orange supplements that make your pee weird or if they're just a waste of money.
Whether it's to try and cure a cold, or simply revive yourself after a night of drinking - it would be ideal to have a magic tablet to help us out, right?
It's worth remembering it only takes about four hours for more than 50% of surfaces to become contaminated around you in an office. Factor in gross recycled air and people not washing their hands enough, and Berocca is starting to look like a pretty attractive defence. So, let's put the 'you on a really good day' tablet to the test.
What does Berocca do for you?
Berocca ingredients and the vitamins in Berocca
But what’s in that nuclear-orange liquid? Firstly, loads of vitamins. B group vitamins, specifically, and vitamin C plus added magnesium, calcium and zinc – which sounds like a really good thing, but actually turns out to be a bit of a placebo. ‘There are no studies to suggest that taking general vitamins like that are useful for anything, and you can get what you need from just your diet,’ says nutritionist Kirsten Crothers from The Food Treatment Clinic.
‘Berocca gives you way above the levels of vitamins that you need each day, so your body simply pees them out!’
It’s not just Kirsten who holds this opinion. In 2013, three major studies were conducted on the health benefits of taking multivitamin tablets (a similar vibe to drinking them, as you do with Berocca) with Dr Eliseo Guallar, a professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (one of the authors of the studies) saying: ‘We believe that it’s clear that vitamins are not working. The probability of a meaningful effect is so small that it’s not worth doing study after study and spending research dollars on these questions.’

The studies were certainly significant – one involved 6,000 participants tested over a span of 12 years. And, for anyone who isn’t convinced by this, one of the other authors, Jacqueline O'Brien, a research associate at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, added: ‘No matter which way we broke it down, there was a null effect.’
However, the Berocca website says, 'Berocca Immuno contains vitamins D, C, A, B6, B9 & B12 as well as zinc, copper, iron & selenium. All support your immune system. Vitamins B6 & B12 also support energy release and help reduce tiredness & fatigue. It also contains vitamin E, an antioxidant which helps to protect cells from oxidative stress.'
There is one positive study that found Berocca could boost your brainpower and memory, though – but that was funded and researched by Bayer. The pharmaceutical company that owns Berocca. Sooo.
Are there other ways to consume Berocca?
Yes! Berocca have started selling gummies in all major retailers, so if the fizzy orange liquid isn't your cup of tea, perhaps the gummies might be worth trying.
Is it okay to have Berocca everyday?
Yes, it's fine to take Berocca everyday but it's recommended that you only have one tablet per day. It is important that you do not use Berocca tablets in the place of a healthy, balanced diet.
Is Berocca vegan?
Yes it is - in the words of the guys at Berocca (they'd know): 'Berocca effervescent tablets are free of any ingredients of animal origin.'
Does Berocca have caffeine in it?
Although Berocca boost has caffeine in it, the standard version does not. Again, let's hand over the to Berocca guys who say: 'Berocca does not contain any caffeine or artificial stimulants'
Is Berocca good for you?
The validity of taking vitamin tablets or supplements is heavily debated in the medical and nutritional fields, so there's no real right answer - but in the worst case scenario, the vitamins in Berocca don't work and the tablets could act as a placebo. Which isn't that terrible, right? There are numerous schools of thought and studies that seem to support the idea that the mere idea of medical help kickstarts a mental cue which, in turn, kickstarts an immune response within our bodies.
Obviously placebos don’t cure cancer, but they might just boost your immune system enough to make it appear like the Berocca is working. Or, because you’ve taken Berocca, you may be more likely to make other solid, healthy choices throughout the day, to make you feel positive and protected against germs. That's the thinking behind the whole placebo thing, anyway.
Does Berocca have calories?
Well yes, insofar as everything we consume will probably have some calories in it. In this instance, one Berocca tablet contains 8kcal.
Is Berocca good for hangovers?
Yes, and there are a few reasons for this. Berocca encourages you to drink a massive glass of water, and rehydration is always key to getting a hangover under control. The supplements also include B Vitamins and are a good source of magnesium, which can all help. But as ever, while Berocca might perk you up for that 9AM meeting after a big night, it won't reverse the effects of heavy drinking, so make sure you're sticking within the recommended weekly alcohol limits for men and women.
Can you take Berocca when pregnant or when breastfeeding?
No, although there are some supplements you should be taking when you're pregnant, so make sure you speak to your GP about this. The guys at Berocca say: 'Berocca is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. This is due to the complex nutritional needs of pregnant and breastfeeding women and Berocca has not been specifically formulated for use as a pre/post-natal supplement. We recommend that you talk to your GP, midwife or pharmacist about food supplements.'
Berocca side effects?
However, this isn’t a good enough reason to swallow the stuff. I spoke to nutritionist Lana Almulla who is firmly opposed to the above studies, and believes that there is a benefit in taking extra vitamins. However, she is still against Berocca because of other ingredients that can be actively detrimental to your health. Everyone’s on about sugar, for example, and the amount in Berocca is enough to have a negative effect.
‘Maltodextrin is a food additive made from refined starches that affect the healthy balance of our blood sugar levels. It’s an ingredient in Berocca alongside sugar and other sweeteners,’ she said. Blood sugar imbalances can create hormonal imbalances and weight gain as the extra sugar is stored in our liver and converts itself into fat for ‘emergency/stored’ energy. This in turn causes bad moods, depression, PMS for girls, low testosterone for men, infertility, thyroid conditions, mood swings and anxiety.'
She adds: ‘Spikes in our blood sugar does provide high energy or hyperness which is why Berocca makes you feel “awake” but that’s quickly followed with a great crash in our sugar levels, causing an energy dip that makes people feel tired slowly after and usually with cravings for even more sugar. And so the vicious cycle begins.’
Aspartame is another issue, a deeply controversial ingredient that does way more harm than good, according to a lot of medical professionals and nutritionists.
‘Aspartame has had 90 different documented symptoms that make up for 75% of the adverse food reaction from additives reported to the FDA. These symptoms include dizziness, memory loss, weight gain, insomnia, joint pain, vision problems, dizziness, depression, rashes, headaches, migraines, to name a few,’ says Lana.
Berocca review
So Berocca doesn’t necessarily stop colds, may act as a placebo and contains ingredients that are potentially harmful, thereby balancing out the placebo-based positives. It’s no wonder Lana, and many other nutritionists, are fervently against it.
‘It’s absolute madness if you ask me, and makes no sense to take it,’ she says. ‘Especially when there are much healthier, more natural alternatives on the market! Unfortunately, products like Berocca are heavily marketed as they’re pushed by big pharma companies, but when recommending vitamin C to my clients I recommend a food state product. This means the supplement is made from real food, such as berries, freeze dried and turned into a tablet.’
Berocca alternatives
Put down the Berocca, then, and pick up one of the brands she recommends from the list below. Mainly because she’s a professional, and knows more than you do, but also because there’s enough evidence here to suggest that Berocca isn’t the magic cold-fighter you wish it was.
SHOP: Best Berocca Alternatives

Food Vitamin C is a concentrated source of vitamin C combined in citrus pulp from whole, organic, small oranges and is as close as possible to that found in food. You can take the tablet form in between meals and on an empty stomach.
Contents: | 60 tablets |
Suitable for: | Vegetarians, vegans and for people with Candida and yeast sensitivities |

This fast-dissolving fine Powder has a refreshing sharp taste and is an economical way to supplement vitamin C because there are no tablet costs involved in the production of powders. It is ideal for those who find tablets difficult to swallow and can easily be stirred into drinks.
Contains: | 250g powder |
Suitable for: | Unknown |
Vitamin C Time Release offers a potent dose of vitamin C, 1000mg, in a slow-release format which not only maximises absorption of vitamin C but is also gentle on the digestive tract. it contains bioflavonoids, which are known to improve the uptake of vitamin C when added in supplements so it's always best to take them together.
Contains: | 90 tablets |
Suitable for: | Vegans and vegetarians |

This high-quality powder contains 2000mg of Vitamin C per 1/2 a teaspoon, dissolves quickly in water and acts fast in the body. If you don't like or can't take tablets, Vitamin C powder is a perfect alternative.
Contains: | 250g powder |
Suitable for: | Vegan |

L-Ascorbic acid powder is the scientific name for Vitamin C and this pure powdered crystal form is the most economical way to buy Vitamin C. It is also the easiest to use as it can be added to drinks where it is fast dissolving.
Contains: | 250mg |
Suitable for: | Vegetarians and vegans |
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