Police were called to a dollar store in Maryland, USA on Monday night to apprehend a beaver who was browsing the Christmas decorations section. Yep, true story.
The beaver reportedly wandered into the store, began looking at the Christmas trees before moving on to rummaging through the decorations. Had he got wind of Cyber Monday? Perhaps beavers decorate their dams/logs during the festive season? I'm no David Attenborough but it looks as though this furry chap was just embracing the Christmas spirit (maybe...).

Unfortunately, the beaver was reported to the Sheriff's office for wreaking such havoc. In a statement on Facebook, the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office said: 'Corporal Yingling had an interesting call on Monday when the suspect (could they have called it Justin, perhaps? lol), caused property damage to a dollar store in Charlotte Hall'. This may have been blown slightly out of proportion - the poor beaver merely knocked a couple of bits of wrapping paper off the shelf, which is still tidier than Primark on a Saturday tbh.

The Sheriff added: 'The suspect attempted to flee the area but was apprehended by Animal Control.'
Thankfully the beaver was not kept in custody for long for his shopping habits and was released to a wildlife rehabilitator. No serious damage was caused to the shop either, in case you were wondering.
Photos: @@firstsherriff
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.