As we’ve sadly seen from our own elections, which saw nearly 4 million people vote UKIP, sometimes the charisma of someone who lives their lives off-script can be all too compelling… and sinister.
But we needn’t worry about sinister when it comes to Barack Obama, though. He’s just a normal person who’s unafraid to go a little bit off-script. At least that’s what we’ve gleaned from his first few tweets, which have been pretty funny little in-jokes with ex-president Bill Clinton.
Tweeting in a personal capacity from the account POTUS (this stands for President of the United States, FYI), he said this:
And it got about 200,000 retweets, which is almost as many as the average One Direction band member’s tweets (ignoring Liam’s ‘just woke up lol’ or ‘tired lol’ bon mots) would get.
Here’s Bill’s reply:
Bill’s asking for Hillary, his wife who’s announced her campaign to run for the presidency. Bill, if you remember, also used to be president and, should Hillary win, he’ll be… well, the name for a spouse of the president is normally First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS), but there’s going to have to be a new official name for the male spouse of the president. Something Obama lolled about in his reply to Bill:
To think that we’re chuckling away with two politicians on Twitter! Either we’ve suddenly become really boring or they’re doing social media just the way it should be done and not the way so many politicians (especially British ones – how stage-managed was the entire election campaign!?) do it. David Cameron, take note.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.