Grammar snobs, rejoice! If you've ever internally cringed upon receiving a poorly punctuated text message that confuses 'your' and 'you're' or 'their' and 'there,' this iPhone app is set to make all of your passive aggressive dreams come true.
The Grammar Snob app{

According to the App Store description, Grammar Snob can ‘add a little culture to your next message chat,’ with ‘all the red corrections you need to fix typos or common grammar mistakes.’ We’re already big fans of the huge red ‘X,’ which is surprisingly reminiscent of our GCSE Maths homework.
The app is currently priced at just 99p, making it a worthwhile investment when you consider all the pass-agg fun you'd have sending back your ex's messages with 'must do better' marks.

It’s not just punctuation problems that incur the wrath of the Grammar Snob: included in the library are a handful of words and phrases that are often confused or misspelt, including ‘espresso,’ ‘couldn’t care less’ and ‘figuratively’ (for that friend who overuses ‘literally’ in inappropriate contexts…)
Of course, the app doesn't have to just be used to irritate and alienate your nearest and dearest with angry red marks: you can also use the stickers on your own message if you've accidentally fired off a text without submitting it to a rigorous copy-editing process beforehand.

Now, if only Grammar Snob would roll out a version that’s compatible with Tinder…
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