If I had a kid, I’d name it Clive. Said no millennial ever. And now, if we don’t start picking out names like Clive or Mildred, these names could die off all together.
A study, conducted by BabyCentre, discovered that parents aren’t using names like Janice, Anita, Bertha and good old Clive anymore, and since they were first made popular back in the 1980s, they could soon disappear from the name database all together.
They identified 24 names that were no longer entered into their database, and from the findings were able to see which names could be endangered, or disappear completely. Perhaps Cheryl and Liam should re-think baby Bear and call him Clive instead? Clive Payne has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?
Does your name fall under the category of names soon to be extinct? Find out below, and tweet us @thedebrief if it is.

Or perhaps your name is one of the increasingly popular names like Ava, Mia, Theo or Archie. I’ll admit, Theo is high up there on my ‘if I had a baby, I’d call it…’ list.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.