Apparently Scottish Prison Inmates Have Been Copying Orange Is The New Black

There's been a drastic increase in the number of Jewish inmates in the Scottish prison system.

Apparently Scottish Prison Inmates Have Been Copying Orange Is The New Black

by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

Cast your mind back to* Orange is The New Black* season three. Struggling a bit? Well, amongst other things (like Healy and Red almost getting it on) Cindy Hayes – friends with Taystee, Watson, Poussey and Suzanne – decides to convert to Judaism. Why? Because she isn’t happy with the meals.

One day, she sees another name with a kosher meal (which is apparently way nicer) and starts to ask for them herself. It soon catches on and loads of the inmates start getting in on the kosher meals, so Litchfield put their foot down, saying that only those who are confirmed as Jewish by a rabi.

Cue Cindy converting and changes her name to Tova.

Now, according to reports, inmates in Scottish prisons have taken inspiration from the show and over 130 of them say they are Jewish and receive kosher meals, which apparently cost more than twice a standard meal.

Of course, some of the inmates will have already been Jewish, but the authorities have noted a vast increase in Jewish inmates – which they put down to that episode. To put it into perspective, in 2013-2014 there were only nine Jewish inmates in the prison system.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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