You know that moment in a meeting when someone says something so smart and with such confidence you're instantly sent into a spiral of paranoia about how you can't compete? Yep, us too. (The lack of sleep you had all weekend had nothing to do it, of course)
Well, now an American author says you can fake that charisma, confidence and coolness – even if you're feeling shit scared inside. Olivia Fox Cabane’s book The Charisma Myth examines certain key qualities world leaders have that make them so charismatic and magnetic. Her main point? That charisma isn’t something we’re necessarily born with – you can learn it or, more pertinently, fake it.
Follow these simple tips, and you’ll become instantly magnetic. Men and women alike will be drawn to your effortless charm and innate coolness. Guaranteed.*
**Don’t emote **
Don’t get angry, or sad, or even particularly happy about anything – cool people don’t show emotion. Keep your default mood on ‘slightly surly, not really bothered’ and everyone will spend the evening talking in hushed tones about your magnetic personality. Probably.
**Don’t brush your hair **
According to Fox Cabane, looking like you haven’t tried is a key proponent of being cool. So don’t brush your hair, and you know that shirt with the dinner down it and the BO stench around the pits? Wear it for a third day – washing clothes is for losers. Et voila, you’re instantly authentic and cool, just like Beyoncé in her #ijustwokeuplikethis selfie.
Break the law (a little bit)
Fox Cabane thinks that cool people break the rules – especially when it'll benefit them. You could talk loudly about how you illegally downloaded Game Of Thrones last night, but it’s hardly going to mark you out as a charismatic cool rebel, is it? Similarly, feel free to stop paying your council tax, but there’s nothing magnetic about a County Court Judgment. Just don't do something really wild like drinking a bottle of WKD on the tube. Boris wouldn't approve.
**Keep your mouth shut **
It’s the Kate Moss mantra – and it never fails. The less you say, the less likely you are to blurt out something stupid. Don’t be afraid of silences – chances are someone else will try and fill them by blurting out something stupid instead, and then hurrah! You’re instantly cool(er than them).
**Stop fidgeting! **
Nothing will undo all your good work you’ve put in, standing around looking mardy in a dirty top, if you start fidgeting. As Fox Cabane points out, James Bond never fidgets. So whatever’s going on around you, stand or sit really still. Like a statue. A cool, charismatic statue. If you do have to move – to go to the toilet, or because the room’s on fire – move slowly and deliberately. People will either be really impressed by your grace and poise, or assume you're incredibly stoned.
Charisma. Sorted. (Or something.)
Follow Rebecca on Twitter @Rebecca_hol
*Not a real guarantee
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.