Apparently Lots Of Women Are Taking Adele’s ‘Hello’ Pretty Seriously

Apparently 64% of women questioned were 'inspired to repair a broken relationship' after listening to the song. 64%.

Apparently Lots Of Women Are Taking Adele's 'Hello' Pretty Seriously

by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

How did you feel when you first heard Adele’s Hello? I’d wager it was a mixture of emotions: nostalgic sadness for those you’ve loved and lost, a bit of a ‘fuck yeah’ because it’s such a tune and, if you were watching the video, bemusement at her flip phone.

Adele really knows what buttons to push when it comes to music and emotions (I mean, have you heard Someone Like You? Stupid question) and now we have actual statistical proof that it has made people do stuff. The ‘stuff’ being get back in touch with an ex.

According to a poll by dating website What’s Your Price (yep, we’ll get to that later) which asked 41,000 single men and women whether the song had inspired them to repair a broken relationship, a pretty staggering 64% of women responded yes, compared to 17% of men. Which means that Adele is literally changing lives, people.

Whether this is positive or not, it’s hard to say. If it’s made you reconnect with the person you think is the love of your life, then sure, all for it. But if it’s sent you running into the arms of your ex because of the overwhelming loneliness it made you feel, then, maybe not so much.

While we quite like the idea of Adele making love happen, we can’t help thinking that these figures could be slightly questionable because of its source. From what we can gather ,the premise of What’s Your Price is that ‘generous members’ pay ‘beautiful members’ to go on a date with them. Right.

Once the deal has been struck, and an offer for the price of the date has been accepted, conversation is ‘unlocked’ and you can go ahead and organise the incredibly romantic date that follows when an offer of money has preluded it.

Not for me, thanks. Even going back to an ex is better than that.

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Follow Chemmie on Twitter @chemsquier

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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