Anna Delvey Has Directly Addressed Her Feud With Rachel De Louche Williams On Instagram… And Julia Fox Is Supporting It

Worlds are seriously colliding.

Anna Delvey Rachel Feud

by Lydia Spencer-Elliott |
Updated on

Much like the Tinder Swindler Simon Leviev, it’s no surprise that Anna Delvey is back on Instagram. The ‘fake heiress’ and Inventing Anna inspiration has gained 487 thousand followers on the platform and is using the site to promote press coverage about herself.

Taking the narrative into her own hands, Delvey is also using social media to put the record straight about her feud with the Vanity Fair journalist Rachel De Louche Williams - who accused her of scamming her out of thousands of dollars on their trip to Marrakesh, Morocco in 2017.

‘I’ve been silent about this for years,’ Delvey wrote on her Instagram story, ‘However, over [the] past two weeks watching Rachel stubbornly refuse to move on from her contrived trauma, ever brazen and unchecked, while going on every show that will have her, I thought- now I have to. And if I have to I will.

‘During her numerous public cries for attention claiming I ‘ruined’ her life, relentless Rachel Deloache Williams conveniently forgets to mention the curious period of time during summer of ’18 when she herself along with her newly acquired literary agent were repeatedly harassing my lawyer Todd (both via email and phone) to get me to agree to write a book TOGETHER with Rachel,’ Delvey continued. ‘And the best part is - this time around, I’ve got all the receipts :)’

‘I know - sounds incredible, considering Rachel’s recent media crusade during which she accuses everyone who isn’t aligned with her vision of self as a wronged martyr starved for justice of “glorifying crime” and “giving platform to a con,”’ she wrote.

‘Can anyone please enlighten us whether she’s done anything at all over past three years other than talking and writing about me, reading and dissecting my interviews, taking angry notes, looking for things to get outraged about? She even quotes posts I’ve deleted after 15 mins. Find yourself someone who’s dedicated to you the way Rachel is dedicated to my Twitter :)’

‘Don’t you just love the irony of watching Rachel Deloache Williams constantly adjust her (very) flexible moral standards depending on the protective amount of $ she stands to profit based on the latest twists in the tale of her ‘unfortunate’ association with me?’ Delvey asked her followers.

‘BEFORE she epically embarrassed herself during my trial and before Netflix forever celebrated her (very accurate) total Karen image, her moral compass deemed it acceptable to suggest we write a book together,’ she added. ‘All while still pressing charges against me. She really thought she could have it all, didn’t she?’

‘I guess ‘giving platform’ and ‘glorifying crime’ didn’t seem to be such big concerns of Rachel’s back then. As long as the price is right, she’s the one cashing checks and controlling the narrative, high morals can be put aside,’ she said. ‘The audacity of her to still attempt to sell her white woman tears (that no one is buying) while continuing to seamlessly exploit her connection to me and profit off of her ‘terrible trauma’ is flabbergasting.’

‘It’s not my fault HBO dropped Rachel after deciding she was boring and bland and that her book turned out to be garbage, of so I’ve heard,’ Delvey accused. ‘On the advice of my counsel, I’ve only read the last chapter, which was enough to conclude that her publisher should’ve paid more to the fact checker and less to Williams,’ Ouch.

‘They couldn’t even get the ‘not guilty’ count right,’ she added. ‘And it’s publicly available information! Our aspiring novelist doesn’t like to burden herself with facts, especially the ones irrelevant to her personal tragic suffering.

‘To this day, Rachel Deloache Williams clearly struggles to accept the fact that 12 jurors unanimously agreed I was NOT GUILTY of any charges related to her existence, and that nobody cares about anything she has to say unless she’s talking about me.

‘And while I can understand her being upset at the fact that I’ve already accomplished more from the various jails and prisons than Rachel in her entire sheltered life of privilege, she won’t be getting away with this blatant hypocrisy on my watch. Wherever I happen to be at.’

She signed off with a nail painting emoji, a re-post fromJulia Fox, and a backing track by Drake… has anything ever been more Anna Delvey?

READ MORE: Inventing Anna: Journalist Rachel DeLoache Williams Slams Her 'Shocking' Portrayal

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