A ton of UK students found out today whether or not they will be attending University in the autumn, and will soon be making preparations for their very first away-from-home accommodations. Do you remember your uni halls? Are you having flashbacks to scabby curtains and stolen food? American Freshmen Lindy Goodson and Abby Bozemanwanted to avoid this nightmare altogether, and put their heads together to knock up the most Princessy dorm of all time.

Apparently this kind of thing is normal at Ole Miss college, with students decorating their dorms every year. However, the Internet is losing it over these images of Goodson and Bozeman’s extravagant room transformation. The girls have responded, saying that they will reuse the stuff bought for them and "it's fun" living in a dorm they decorated themselves.
The reactions have ranged from swoons to criticism regarding the girls’ ‘basicness’ and privilege (let's assume it took a fair bit of $$$ to kit the room out like that).
But if we're honest we're just feeling scathing jealousy at their superior room set up. I doubt that bedroom microwave will get half as grim as all of our first year cooking appliances, either.
Like most of you, though, I'm just interested in seeing photos six months down the line when finals come around and the girls' passive-aggressive note-leaving about whose turn it is to tidy has hit its peak.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.