Addicted To Serial? You’ll Want To Know That Hae’s Brother Has Spoken Out

If you’re yet to listen to the podcast, none of the following article will make much sense so stop reading and tune in now.


by Lena deCasparis |
Published on

So we’re pretty much addicted to any news that is Serial related – apart from any spoilers that is. But today some really fascinating Serial news hit that we may have now heard from Hae Min Lee’s little brother.

The message, titled ‘I am Hae's brother - Do not AMA', came in the form of a post in a Reddit forum. To summarize the long message (which we've pasted below) it said that as Hae's brother he was upset, shocked and disgusted that a podcast that tells the story of his sister’s murder is being used as such a popular source of entertainment for the world.

He also says that his parents don't know anything the show but that he doesn’t blame the maker Sarah Koenig.

READ MORE: Why You Need To Listen To Serial Now

‘As title states, I am Hae's little brother,' his post on Reddit begins. 'Do not ask me anything. I probably will read comments/questions but will not reply or answer any questions. To prove that I am her brother I was thinking putting up Hae's baby pictures but I don't want it to be used by the media. So I give you an info that wasn't in the podcast. Hae's cousin was in kindergarten at Campfield Early Learning Center. Our cousin is now college student about to graduate. That's how long it has been. If you google map it, you kinda get the idea what Hae had to drive everyday right after school. I believe Campfield let out at 3pm. So she didn't have alot of time to mess around. Since our grandparents were expecting our cousin few mins after school. It was Hae's first time failing to pick her cousin up from school... Don't care if you believe me or not. I am just big fan/user of reddit. When I found out there was subreddit for this, I had to do AMA for reddit community. But sorry I won't be answering any questions because... TO ME ITS REAL LIFE. To you listeners, its another murder mystery, crime drama, another episode of CSI. You weren't there to see your mom crying every night, having a heartattck when she got the new that the body was found, and going to court almost everyday for a year seeing your mom weeping,crying and fainting. You don't know what we went through. Especially to those who are demanding our family response and having a meetup... you guys are disgusting. SHame on you. I pray that you don't have to go through what we went through and have your story blasted to 5mil listeners. Can't believe how popular this podcast got. I didn't know until I got a call from my cousin (Same cousin Hae picked up from school) to tell me that there was a podcast about my sister. I have been listening since ep1 and kept it secret from the family. I googled it and found this subreddit, and a today news(?). Although I do not like the fact that SK pick our story to cover, she is an awesome narrator/ writer/ investigator. No wonder why this podcast is so popular. I have not contacted SK, and probably will not. Being a media person that she is, she wants some big ending. you can tell my her reaction to innocent project taking her case and private investigator. Either she is bias or want some kinda big ending to this podcast. This is my opinion on her bias. NOTHING ELSE (you know what I am taking about...) Like I stated before, no one knows about this podcast other than myself and my cousin. My mom doesn't know. Depending on how this show ends, I will tell her and maybe a REDDIT interview. I think mail chimp got too much publicity out of this. Maybe if this post goes on front page!?!?!? (sorry reddit joke...). Verification: I know the ultimate proof would be posting my picture with my username but I am not comfortable with that.. so here is facebook chat Sarah and Dana sent. As you can see, they did try to contact me but I ignored it. Update: Sorry about posting their personal info. I was so careful not to post my personal info that I forgot about their info. Screenshot has been removed. Thank you for your kind words. Sorry if I sounded scornful. It wasn't my intention.’

Of course we have no way at all of telling the validity of the message (and frankly all the 'I am real' makes us question it), but nonetheless were fascinated by the letter. And it of course left us thinking of the impact of the show of Hae’s family.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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