It’s the 1st of March which according to the Meteorological calendar is the start of spring.
The season of blooming of tulips, the abundance of fluffy lambs and much to Miranda Priestly’s distain - pastel colours.
Here are the signs that spring is finally upon us, hurrah!
1) The sun is so gloriously bright, it is burning our eyes
2) We are brimming with health and vitality
3) We have had a little spring clean of our office
4) We have stopped wearing our chunky knitwear and opted for something a little more breezy

5)Flowers are springing up left, right and bloody centre

Err, so maybe Spring is stuck in traffic? Perhaps Spring is browsing through Zara’s new collection and lost track of time? Spring matey, if you are reading this, please get a jiggle on.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.