26-Year-Old Woman Crowd Funds Her Expensive Uber On Her Birthday

It sucks when the Halloween price surge affects your special day


by Fiona Byrne |
Published on

Hangovers are the worst, and nothing aggravates that anxious post-party feeling like the memory of the damage you did to your bank account the night before.

In the moment, buying a round of drinks feels like no big deal, but looking at the receipt the next morning reminds you that your food budget for the week went on a handful of cocktails, and while you’d planned on taking the train or bus home somehow you ended up in a cab or a car, and if it’s an Uber, God help you. Especially if it’s a busy night.

The price surge system upset Uber customer Gabby over the weekend when the 26-year-old awoke to find the 22-minute car journey on Halloween had cost her $362.57. Double bummer that it was also her birthday.

Rather than just accepting she’d agreed to pay the fare in advance, Gabby announced Uber cheated her into accepting the 9x rate, and created a GoFundMe page entitled Uber Stole My 26th Birthday to try to recoup the cost of the ride. She first Instagrammed the receipt, then sent her pals to the GoFundMe page, where they actually donated, and even surpassed the total donation goal, with the donation so far standing at $593.

She says the fare depleted her bank account to the point where she wasn’t going to able to pay rent. Well, now she’s got rent and then some. Mind you, she’s also received many, many angry messages from people via GoFundMe who call her drunk and irresponsible. Here's her message in full:

‘Last night was Halloween. Great time. Today is my 26th birthday. Not so great time. I live in Baltimore and went out with my friends to celebrate my birthday at midnight. When 3 AM rolled around, I suggested we take an Uber hole to avoid drunk driving (#responsibility/#MADD). I live 22 minutes, tops, from the party I was leaving. 

When I awoke this morning, I heard a friend talking about how outrageous Uber rates were the night before (9x original rate). I checked my bank account to, unbeknownst to me, I see a charge for $362. Not only is it my 26th birthday, it is rent day. My rent is $450 and I can no longer pay it today due to this completely outrageous charge. 

I have had little to no luck in disputing this transaction.

I waitress at two restaurants and freelance for a City Paper. I worked incredibly hard this week to be able to enjoy my birthday this weekend. This misunderstanding has cost me 80% of the funds I have to my name (embarrassingly so) and I spent a good two hours of my birthday crying over it.

I feel taken advantage of and cheated by the Uber name. $367 for a 20 minute ride should never be justified, even on Halloween. Please donate even just $1 if you think this is utter and complete bullshit and also hilarious and very, very depressing at the same time. 

Thanks for the ride, Muhammed.’

We feel your pain, Gabby. However, we’re not sure how Uber ‘tricked’ you into paying the fare when you’re clearly informed of price surge in advance. It was 3am and your birthday, though, so we won’t harp on about it.

Picture: Getty

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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