14 Fashionable Halloween Costumes From Fancy-Dressed Style Bloggers Across The Globe

GALLERY >> Scroll through for the most stylish Halloweeners on planet fashion...

German fashionista Natalina channels Gaga's favourite man: Zombie Boy. Born this way, baby... http://thephantomes.blogspot.com

Londoner Laura brings a bit of UK grunge to her spooky look http://lunasupernova.blogspot.com/

Megan from Cornwall gives her porcelain doll look a new spin for scary times http://www.thebriarroseblog.com/

New Yorker Brittany found her fashion wonderland in Alice's get-up http://waterforthebird.blogspot.com/

Aussie style blogger - and what looks like, quite the artiste - Carmen goes for half measure http://fashionmusicandi.blogspot.com.au/

Anila from Germany does the monster mash-up: bunny ears, pumpkin patch, spike jewellery, laddered tights... http://lookbook.nu/anilat

Anjelica Huston betta watch her back, Olivia Emily does a very convincing Morticia http://blog.oliviaemily.com

Canadian Kelsey goes for a modern favourite: Black Swan http://thesorrygirls.tumblr.com

Berliner Masha brings a bit of boudoir cool to her Mexicana face painting http://www.masha-sedgwick.net

Katy's version of Hitchcock's 'The Birds' soars into our books http://kansascouture.com

Texan vintage lover Jessica - aka Minnie - thinks Mickey Mouse his chance, and blew it... http://msvintagevirgin.blogspot.com

Alexandra, from Utah, does Zombie Bride to perfection http://of-alythebird.tumblr.com/

Martine from Amsterdam channels an all time fashion favourite - Cruella de Vil http://martinehaanschoten.tumblr.com
Although Hallow’s Eve is four days away, all manner of spooky costume party outfitting came out to play this weekend. And it doesn’t begin and end with Paris Hilton frocked up to shock as Miley Cyrus, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as a bondage queen or Kelly Osbourne made up as Dame Edna Everage. Although, may we say, that last one is genius.
Scary sartorial moments have been occurring on style blogs across the globe, too. Where you’d usually find red-soled Louboutins, instead there’s gore and fake blood. Forget colour-of-the-moment pink, pumpkin orange has become the standard – but chic - Halloween hue instead. Morticia Addams is the epitome of goth style – as seen on many of the runways this season - and therefore her long black gowns and equally long black hair have become a shortcut for stylish spook. We’ve seen ghostly brides, Daft Punk-like skeletons and more Day of the Dead Mexicana face-painting than you can shake a stick at.
So if you’re still stuck for inspo, then check out the style bloggers in the gallery above…