10 Things Only Impulsive People Will Do

Yes, you are an impulsive person. But don’t worry, people love you for it, so just keep doing what you're doing.


by Debrief Staff |
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You’re always changing your hair colour and you’ve booked a spontaneous holiday for tomorrow. Yes, you are an impulsive person. But don’t worry, people love you for it, so just keep doing what you're doing… Here’s 10 things every impulsive person will do.

**1. When you and your friends go out, you’re ALWAYS the most fun **

You’re the one in the gang to insist on going midnight salsa dancing or on a spontaneous boat ride. You’re the life of the party and hilarious stories usually revolve around you.

2. You’ve tried pretty much every hair colour

Brown, blonde, red, green, pink. You name it, you’ve tried it.

3. You get a bit restless at work

Doing the same thing every day can get to you. You’re always craving a new experience.

4**. People gravitate towards you **

Fun-seekers who need a friend to inspire their wild side will have sought you out. When plans need to be made for the weekend, everyone will turn to you.

5. You know how to be a good friend

Impulsive people don’t just say they’ll make plans to catch up with an old mate, they’ll actually make it happen and show up on their doorstep. Impulsive people are fun and make the best friends.

6**. You’ve booked a spontaneous trip more than once**

Croatia one month, Portugal the next. Your bank account may be hurting, but don’t worry, travel experiences and amazing memories are priceless.

**7. You tend to be optimistic **

You have quite the sunny outlook on life. If one of your mates is down, they’ll look to you for a pick-me-up.

8. You're fiercely supportive

It doesn't really matter what your friends want to do- fencing, jazz band, professional skateboarding, you're always their #1 Fan. You’ll be at the front of the crowd, cheering them on, with a sparkly sign bearing their name and a video camera in hand.

**9. You wear your heart on your sleeve **

You’re never one to shy away from a Tinder date. You’ll be there with bells on- probably with a fabulously fun activity planned. Roller-disco anyone?

**10. You’re a free spirit **

You’ve got a wild heart and a restless soul. No one could stop you from doing what you want to do. Rock on.

***Want to win? Impulse is encouraging you to Live Life on Impulse this summer. Click here to win some Impulsive prizes! ***

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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