I’ve Travelled Solo With Three Children Under Five – Here’s What I’ve Learnt

Sarah Campus has just done her first solo(!) trip with three children under five - here's how she did it with her sanity in tact...

Travelling with children under 5

by grazia |
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My names Sarah Campus, I am a women's Personal Trainer specialising in pre and post-natal, a nutrition coach founder of LDN MUMS FITNESS AND a mum to 3 kids... all under 5!

I have always been an avid traveller and having children, I was adamant that this was not going to change. I particularly wanted to take advantage of the children not having to pay full price for a ticket... so, that was going to mean travelling with babies and toddlers.

I am sure it is something we all as parents, secretly dread…wondering how to travel with little ones…not one, not two but three for me and maybe more for you!  I’ve travelled with three under five ( and just did my first solo trip with all 3! ) here’s what I learnt....

My biggest tip is be ORGANISED!

  • I try and make sure I am all packed up a few days before including the kids changing bag for the airport! I have a list (one of many 🙂) then I add to it when I remember things I need and then I would tick it off the night before to make sure I don’t miss anything!  I also take a picture of the luggage when we leave, so if anything's missing on the other side, or in the chaos I forget a bag, I know how to describe it... it just happened to me and its beyond annoying!  I also learned ( the hard way) ... to split baby and children essentials up into different bags, so there's less chance you will be totally stuck if the worst happens!

  • As a mum of three travelling solo recently, the worst thing I can imagine is losing a child at the airport!! I wrote my phone number and contact details on a piece of paper and put it in their pockets, and also put it on their arms in marker just in case they did wonder off. It would be dreadful, unthinkable, but I figured it might just work!  Luckily - this wasn't needed but always good to be prepared.

  • I love to get my kids to wear matching and super bright and distinctive clothes to the airport and around cities when travelling. That way I can see them, and they can see me! Its like a little uniform.

  •    Snacks, snacks and more snacks! I always pack a Tupperware box with chopped pepper, apple, cucumber and carrot for all to enjoy plus its hydrating and healthy and not packed with sugar! I also bring oat bars as small and can’t get damaged – Organix, My Little Piccolo , Babease, Urban Fruits have been saviours and are MILES cheaper and less salty/ sweet than what's offered on board. You can never have too many snacks. Read that, then read it again!

  • Do not forget activities for the plane and for restaurants for my toddlers - a magazine, stickers, colouring, flash cards (Orchard Toys are great – fun and educational), and a couple small, I mean small toys, but NOT their favourite ones in case they got lost... trust me, that's going to cause more stress than loosing a bag!

  • Always make sure you carry Calpol, Ashton parsons teething gel, ibuprofen, antibacterial gel and plaster close to hand - you never know when you are going to need them or even need to help someone else.

  • When you get to the airport make sure the seat plan is going to work for you.  Just because you booked set seats, doesn't mean you always get them.  Especially if you have multiple children... I recently found my 4-year-old seat was in a completely different section of the cabin to mine!!!  It always gets fixed, but its stressful!  Make it known to ground staff that you are travelling with kids,  usually they are really sympathetic and let you down the family/crew lanes making you get through the airport without having to queue - movement is best when travelling, especially solo.

  • Not ideal but try to sit near a toilet,  that way if you need to take any of them you can be near by to the others.

  • Don’t let them know what’s in your bag - keep things a surprise as it will help pass time - bringing out a couple of rediscovered toys throughout the holiday is recommended too!

  • Bassinets seats are great for extra leg room on the flight if available (try to prebook), plus it allows for you and baby to have a little time apart and even a sleep.

  • Snacks, snacks and more snacks! I always pack a Tupperware box with chopped pepper, apple, cucumber and carrot for all to enjoy plus its hydrating and healthy and not packed with sugar! I also bring oat bars as small and can’t get damaged – Organix, My Little Piccolo , Babease, Urban Fruits have been saviours and are MILES cheaper and less salty/ sweet than what's offered on board. You can never have too many snacks. Read that, then read it again!

  • I found feeding my baby on take off and landing really helped regulate her ears.  This is the same time I would bring out those juices for older kids too!

  • Always have a water bottle and a couple of juice boxes, I like our Nube ones, and juice boxes I like Crawsons and Pip Organic.  You can generally get these airside .

  • Invest in a compact light fold pram which you can put in overhead makes it so much easier when land the other end. Access to it right away! (We have 2 @babyzenuk yo-yo)

  • I always take the baby carrier as it frees up your hands and allows both toddlers to sit in the pram to relax or even take a nap. The carriers I like are the Close Parent Caboo and the Infanito Carrier.

  • I take the small Rockit Wooshh with me everywhere as provides white noise for when trying to get the baby to sleep – its small so clips easily on the pram or baby carrier, allows them to nap on the move.

  • I take a Potette Plus 2 in 1 with me so that my kids can use the toilet on the go should we be not near a toilet as I am still potty training my 3 year old he has a sense of familiarity for going to the toilet on the move.

  • I use buggy clips to help with carrying things around when I am on the move travelling – I like the ones from Jo Jo Bebe Maman but you can also get them from Amazon.

  • I take with us Dreambaby Pram fans should it be hot it keeps them cool, especially good when they nap as well.

  • Changing bag for the kids containing nappies, wipes (including Milton antibacterial wipes for tables and hands etc), change of clothes & comforter (should they use one). We have a PacaPod changing bag which has fantastic compartments and really light.

  • Take a Snooze Shade for your pram/travel cot so when they naps it’s nice & dark. They are breathable and SPF 50.

  • Let them walk around so they can use energy and excitement!

  • Don’t worry about anyone else except for the well-being of your children and yourself. Chances are, you will never see these people again after you leave the plane -


Don’t worry if your kid doesn’t want to sit still.

Don’t worry if your kid cries.

Don’t worry if your kids makes noises when they are excited.

Don’t worry if your kid runs up and down the aisles.

Don’t worry if your kid happens to kick the seat in front of you.

Don’t worry if your kid leaves a few crumbs on the ground.

Don’t worry if your kid turns the reading light on and off…

Don’t worry what other may think of you as a parent - it simply doesn’t matter.

Most importantly:

Worry about your kids well-being;

Worry whether your kid is happy;

Worry whether they need a wee or poo;

Worry about the logistics of wherever you’re going;

Worry about things that are IN your control!

No doubt — every passenger deserves a comfortable in-flight experience and you should do everything in your power to help this.


Kids are not robots and we can’t control their every move — no matter how much we prepare.

They are kids.

Everyone was once a kid.

They will be kids.

They will act like kids.

Be respectful but don’t waste your time worrying what others think. This silly idea that we must apologize for traveling with children is slowly becoming the norm and it’s ridiculous. It’s not something I do - the more I concern for my kids and what I can control the more it goes right - as soon as think about others - it goes wrong.

Again, this doesn’t mean letting your kids go crazy. It doesn’t mean being disrespectful and making a mess and not cleaning it up. Or, letting your kids scream the entire flight and not trying to make them happy (though sometimes this is unavoidable). It means to do your best and shake the rest off. If you are chilled it much more likely they will be chilled - I’m a firm believer of that.

And to those that are flying without children: Tolerance and a positive attitude will go a long way. Maybe even offer your help - just a thought

If you have a partner travelling with you, make sure you divvy up the time.  this is where being a team really comes into play. But if you don't and you are going it alone, do not panic, generally, people on a plane see a parent alone and sympathise!

Finally remember it will be all worth it in the end, the more often you can do it, the easier and less daunting it will get. So, hang in there, and however short and sweet it may be, if the opportunity arises to travel with your children this summer... Take It!

For more travel tips, stories and advice you can follow Sarah on Instagram: @ldnmumsfitness

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