Most parents instinctively recoil from the thought of their child wearing make-up. The very idea of it brings to mind images of young girls in American beauty pageants, their hair tonged and faces made up like eerily childish adult women. It feels creepy and just... wrong.
But those of us who wear and love make-up know that it doesn't have to be about some fetishised version of femininity. Make-up can be inventive, creative and - most importantly - fun.
Anyone with kids (of either or both genders) knows that they love nothing more than rooting around in a make-up bag and trying out whatever they can find. They always reach for the most brightly coloured thing (hello, red lipstick) and it goes everywhere - ideally on their face rather than your cream carpet.
For them, it's like splashing around with paint, or colouring in a picture: it's art. After all, don't all kids love face painting, which is an art form in itself?
So anyone who feels initial discomfort at the news of Zara's new make-up collection for kids will probably be placated to learn that it's called Mini Artists, and is very much about having fun with make-up.

The range, designed by make-up artist Diane Kendal, includes glitter pots, brightly-coloured 'face pencils' and water-based nail polish that can be removed with just soap and water.
There are even face stencils, so kids can easily create an animal face or a pirate's eye-patch all my themselves.
And the good news for your carpet is that it washes off easily.
You can check out the collection here, and let us know what you think @theJuggleUK

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