This article is an extract taken from a recent edition of Radio 4's Four Thought
I grew up in a household with four surnames. My mum had her maiden name, my stepdad his name, my brother his dad’s name, and I had my mum and my dad’s names. From a young age this meant I knew that not all families share a name, and that this has no effect on how loved we necessarily feel or how connected to each other we are. But growing up in a household with four surnames also meant that I witnessed just how much multi-name households can unsettle people observing our family from the outside.
Bringing up the topic of surnames in 2021 can still produce quite visceral reactions. Anyone who’s discussed the subject with friends and family knows this. So why does it continue to surprise me that many adults become uncomfortable when presented with even the slightest hint of a disruption or challenge to heteronormative behaviours in relation to surnames in marriage, and, especially, when it comes to children.
In many countries around the world including Britain, America, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, and India, it’s the norm for a woman to take the man’s name upon marriage, and in countries such as Japan, where it’s a legal requirement that married couples have one name, this translates into 96% of married women taking their husband’s last name. Where the patrilineal name is dominant in marriage, so it is in the case of how children are named too.
Elsewhere in the world, in Spain and many Spanish speaking countries, in France, Greece, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Malaysia and Korea women either can’t legally change their names after marriage or it isn’t the custom to do so. Although in France, for example, it’s still common practice to use the husband’s surname in everyday life, with one study showing that 91% of women do this.
But even in these countries, where surname traditions vary in relation to marriage, when it comes to children, with the exception of the Spanish speaking world, the most common practice is for the child to be given the patrilineal surname.
In the UK where marriage has no legal consequence on your name, there’s also no law requiring children be given one name, both names, or that the whole unit must be assigned a ‘family name’, as is the case in Germany. And yet, children are, overwhelmingly, still given their father’s surname at birth. This tradition’s most powerful justification, until perhaps even very recently, stems from a desire to demonstrate that a child has been born inside of wedlock, a term as old-fashioned as it sounds, coming from the Old English wedlac.
To find evidence of how significant legitimacy conferred upon a child by marriage once was, we need only turn to Shakespeare, as one of our national cultural barometers, where we find at least four instances of illegitimacy: King Lear, Troilus and Cressida, King John and Much Ado About Nothing. The consequences of having a child outside of marriage were once a fruitful source of dramatic conflict, and each of these plays deals with the associated stigma in different ways, but most memorable of all might be Edmund’s impassioned speech in Act 1 Scene 2 of King Lear which ends: ‘Now, gods, stand up for bastards!’
The reputational implications of being born outside of marriage do linger still, in our use of bastard as a swearword, and in generational difference. A girlfriend of mine assures me that the prejudice is alive and well for some people, including her own grandfather, who was quick to refer to her baby as such when she was born in 2018.
And yet one of the most significant global shifts we have seen in recent decades is the move away from births occurring inside of marriage. According to data collected by the OECD more than 50% of children are now born outside of marriage in Chile, Denmark, Estonia, France, Iceland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, and Sweden. Research conducted by Eurostat shows that 48% of births in the UK in 2017 were outside of marriage. What we are yet to receive are figures on how this has affected naming patterns where both parents are present.
Researchers such as Ernestina Coast, explain that cohabitation, as opposed to marriage is now considered a ‘normative’ practice in the UK and one of the key factors in both shifts, away from marriage to cohabitation, and away from births occurring inside of marriage, is the rise of women’s rights and autonomy in society.
We have the feminist movement to thank for many of the changes that have led us to our present moment, where broadly speaking, British society no longer stigmatises people based on whether they were conceived in or outside of marriage but in the case of cohabiting heterosexual couples the giving of the father’s surname remains the norm.
There are a few notable historical instances of women passing on their maiden names, such as Hester Piozzi, one of the most influential literary women of the late 18th Century. Sophie Coulombeau writes of Piozzi as having petitioned the King to allow her husband's nephew to adopt her maiden name of Salusbury, so that, to quote, ‘the Pedigree of [her] Descent’ continued despite having relinquished the name herself upon marriage. But these exceptions are few and far between and most of the historical and contemporary studies that have been conducted thus far have focused on women maintaining their maiden names rather than on what names are passed on to children.
I’m now almost 37 weeks pregnant with my first child, and when the baby is born, all being well in a few weeks’ time, they will have my surname.
When I married my husband back in 2019 I didn’t take his name, and I won’t be taking it now, as some women do, once children enter the picture and they face the prospect of having a different surname from their husband and their children too. Suddenly the pressure to conform becomes much more acute when the idea of international travel with a different passport to the rest of your family is presented. We’ve all heard the horror stories of women being grilled by airport security, or worse, their children being taken off into an interrogation room to answer questions about why mummy doesn’t have the same surname. These are real and scary concerns, and I wouldn’t blame anyone who wants to avoid such a stressful encounter for changing their name to prevent it from ever becoming a reality.
But there are other options open to us. Not that you’d necessarily know it from the very few articles and studies there are about partners choosing to pass the mother’s name onto their children. These articles tend to follow a similar apologist pattern. They tell the reader that the woman’s surname is more unusual, rarer, somehow therefore more worthy of preservation. Or, they celebrate the fact that the couple in question are not married, and they see their relationship as already ‘unconventional’ (although as I’ve described that idea is becoming less prevalent). Or, they quote women whose marriages didn’t work out and who subsequently articulate a sense of vindication in having given children their surname when they separate from the father and are (typically) then the main parent. Or, there’s the ‘I carried this baby for nine months I deserve some sort of recognition’ argument.
None of these rationales quite work for me, my surname is not the most common, it’s less common than my husband’s, but it’s certainly not going to die out if I don’t pass it on. Also, funnily enough, I didn’t enter into marriage thinking - one day this will end. I hope my husband and I have a long and happy life together.
And as for how long I’ve been carrying our baby, and marvelling at what my body is capable of in the process, sure, I think that’s worth celebrating, but I refuse to use that as a justification for why we’re giving the baby my surname.
Instead, what it comes down to, if I’m totally honest, is that this is a small stand against a structural inequality that should be way less of a big deal by now than it is; it’s my, ‘hill to die on’, as they say on Twitter.
In a 2019 article for Glamour Adrienne Brodeur writes of the initial tinge of shame she felt in giving her children her surname instead of her husband’s ‘simply because she wanted to’, and the subsequent self-recriminating anger that followed, in the knowledge that men ‘rarely feel guilty or question their motives when it comes to naming their progeny’. Brodeur uses a phrase that really resonated for me in trying to articulate what’s at stake in this issue. A man assumes that his children will bear his name, because ‘like so many privileges, it’s a given.’ Well, like a damp sock left in a washing machine, I happen to think that stinks. Why should it be a given? Why should there be guilt and embarrassment attached to a decision that should be made jointly, by two adults who respect each other equally? Why are we afraid, if we are afraid, that such a decision would negatively impact our children? In fact, research in this area on family and kinship has shown that children are not in the least bit confused about their family ties based on being part of a multi-name household or extended households. It’s adults who find nonconformity uncomfortable.
So my husband and I will need to be prepared for the possibility that people will not understand or respect our choice to give our child my surname.
My husband will have to brace himself against the potential for cruel and backward remarks from friends who try to disguise their shock and discomfort at what we’re doing behind jokes about me stealing his masculinity and rightful patrilineal dominance. And I will continue to receive post addressed to Mrs Skinner, a name I’ve never had, and never will. The baby too, no doubt, will sometimes experience this presumptive misnaming. But they will grow up in a household with three names, and it will be their normal.
It’s our hope that by giving our child my surname they will have a thoughtful perspective on that old question ‘what’s in a name?’ and they’ll know that in one sense the answer is, very little actually, in so far as they will be loved and cherished by us equally and together, despite having different surnames. But in another sense, they’ll know too just how important it is that they represent something different to the norm, to that received tradition, and they’ll understand that privileges should not just be a given, but questioned, and altered over time to reflect a more diverse world.
[This article is an extract taken from a recent edition of Radio 4's Four Thought](http://This article is an extract taken from a recent edition of Radio 4's Forethought)
READ MORE: Everything You Should Know Before Getting A Double-Barrelled Surname
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