Approximately half a million children and teenagers are prone to bedwetting in the UK, and new research commissioned by Pampers’ Ninjamas has revealed that 82% of children who experience bedwetting have never attended a sleepover party. For 69% of those children choosing not to take up the invitation, embarrassment is the main reason. Research shows that this sentiment also extends to parents of children who experience bedwetting, with 67% declining an invitation to a sleepover party on behalf of their child.
Sleepovers can play an important role in developing the confidence and independence of children, as well as for their enjoyment. So, what can parents do to help children feel more confident to attend a sleepover if they’re struggling with bedwetting?
Communicate: Firstly, speak to your child and make sure they know it isn’t their fault, and actually affects lots of children. Furthermore, have a chat to the parents hosting the sleepover to make them aware that your child is bedwetting and give them guidance on how you deal with bedwetting. Remind your child that they can always open up to you if they are worried.
Create a calm bedtime routine: Stress and anxiety are big contributors to bedwetting therefore its vital to help children feel calm. Try encouraging relaxing activities before bed such as breathing exercises, mindfulness, reading, or listening to audio books. Simply debriefing with them at the end of the day can also help a great deal.
Stop all liquid close to bedtime: Children can wet the bed for many reasons – genetics, age, anxiety, and stress can all cause it. It can also be down to drinking too late at night – when you’re young your bladder isn’t able to hold as much liquid and you may not always be able to fully sense when it is full, so it’s important to empty it before bed and stop all liquids at least an hour before bedtime.
Use Ninjamas pyjama pants: Pampers Ninjamas Pyjama Pants are a medical device to help manage any bedwetting accidents. They offer 100% all-night leak protection (or your money back), and look and feel like underwear, which means that with Ninjamas, your child can attend sleepovers with a little bit of extra confidence!
With over 8 out of 10 children in the UK missing out on sleepovers due to bedwetting, I’ve worked with Pampers Ninjamas Pyjama pants to launch a three-part series which provides education about why bladder leaks can happen, as well as practical tips on how to manage them, particularly during sleepover moments.
If you and your child would like to learn more, you can access the videos here. For more information on Ninjamas bedwetting Pyjama Pants, please see here.
Please note that specialist advice, such as visiting a GP, may be required if at-home interventions to manage bedwetting are not successful. For more information, visit
Breaking The Bedwetting Taboo: Dr Ranj’s Top Tips For Managing The Issue In Children
Approximately half a million children and teenagers are prone to bedwetting in the UK.

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