You may be able to guess the short version of that question. Nine restaurants, five bars, two presidential suites (one for each 1,165ft tower) and one unquestionably colossal drinks ‘cabinet’ make up just part of the JW Mariott Marquis Hotel's appeal. And then there are the views.
We went ‘reaching new heights’ with Muller to celebrate the launch of their delicious Mullerlight Goodies in the city that everyone has an opinion on. Love or hate Dubai, it takes everything to a different level. The JW Marriott Marquis Hotel is just one of a handful of sky-reaching buildings so vast it’s difficult to take it all in.

Inside was equally plush. Akin to the corporate look of the city, you’re hard pushed to find much character or real culture in the hotels - unless ‘money’ counts as a theme - but they are plush all the same. The bathroom was bigger than my living room at home.
An ear-popping lift journey to the top of the hotel garnered us a room with a view and a half - looking out over the sparkling modern city, it was nothing short of breath-taking. Or stomach-churning. Or a combination of both.
But what to do in a city that knows no (financial) limits, and is home to some of the richest people in the world?
Indulge, of course.
Here’s just a few things you can do on a big budget (and their cheaper alternatives…):
1. Travel business class Emirates.
If you can afford it, it’s worth it. The flight is like a holiday in itself. Massaging bed chairs, Veuve Cliquot on tap and a three course, silver service dinner is just the start.
Alternatively, tap up for some serious deals.

2. Private outdoor yoga at the Oberoi Hotel. Totally serene.
If you don’t fancy it, head to one of the amazing beaches for some (truly) hot yoga in the sun. Namaste.
**3. Private master class with a Michelin-starred chef, again, at the Oberoi Hotel. **
****He cooked our food in dry ice. It was incredible.
Too much? Grab some local food at a market, and stock up on herbs while you’re there. You won’t regret it.
4. Afternoon tea at the Burj Al Arab.
Being the only 7* hotel in the world means this place has got some kudos.
Unsurprisingly very swanky food (caviar was served twice in seven courses) but, again, see above if that’s not your thing.
5. Desert rally driving, followed by a camel ride in the sunset and dinner under the stars.
No alternative offered. If you do one thing in Dubai, do this. We drank wine, ate fantastic food and saw a shooting star. No excuses; book it.