7 Things To Do With Your Life If You’ve Just Graduated And Got NFI

Sorry, but you can't just watch Netflix indefinitely

7 Things To Do With Your Life If You've Just Graduated And Got NFI

by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

University is cruel. After three years under it's expensive wing, you're thrust into the big wide world with a degree and NFI what to do next. It's tough.

I won't lie to you; you'll pine for the old days when getting out of bed was the most pressing thing you had to do that day. When pyjamas were a legitimate outfit to wear to the shops. When a night-out revolved around finding the best-value treble vodkas.

But they're gone. They're done. And all that's left is some pictures that need to be hastily un-tagged once you get your first job and some really great memories (hopefully). But it's OK! This is EXCITING. Don't freak out because right now, you can basically do whatever the hell you want; it's just a case of figuring out what that is.

So here's some ideas for you; things that you can commit to, learn from, enjoy. And even if you haven't just graduated, even if that was years ago (ahem) but you fancy doing a life 360, you've got loads of options.

1. Learn a new skill or hobby

Now's your chance to get good at something and you never know, it might eventually turn into more than just a hobby or set you on a new career path. If you’re London-based City Lit lists loads of courses from pilates to printmaking to poetry and local councils tend to offer subsidised courses too, so find out what’s going on in your area by giving it a Google. It's worth looking into what local colleges have on offer as well, be it night-classes or a part-time course in something.

2. Go abroad

Spread you wings! See the world! Take a gap year! Take a second gap year! Of course you could do some good ol’fashioned travelling and pay your local STA Travel a visit for some advice – with zero commitments (I'm assuming) there's no better time.

If you fancy seeing the world a slightly different way you could complete a TEFL course which means you can apply to teach English all over the world, giving you a chance to fully emerse yourself in the culture there.

There's WWOOF which lets you volunteer and stay on organic properties where you’ll work 4-6 hours a day for your host who will provide your accommodation and food. You can WWOOF all over the world from New Zealand to Fiji to Argentinia and for as long as you like. It’s a great way to experience another country and meet fellow WWOOF'ers along the way.

Still not for you? Take to the high seas and see the world that way by crewing on a yatch/boat. Some positions might require basic health and safety training (this will be specified) but lots don't. Check out websites like Crew Seekersor Crewbay for openings.

3. Do an internship or get some work experience

Having work experience on your CV can be invaluable once the time comes to enter the world of work. I'm not saying work for free for months on end but have a look for paid internships on Graduate Pool a government sponsored initiative which advertises paid opportunities.

Some companies might offer short-term work experience (which may not be paid) designed to give you a taste of the environment that you think you might be itnerested in working in eventually. It's worth reaching out to companies you're interested in to see if this is something they offer. For example, we advertise all our two-week long work experience opportunities on Go Think Big, as well as other magazines we work alongside such like Grazia and heat.

4. Become an Au Pair

If you don't like children, read on. This one isn't for you. If you do, you're in the right place because becoming an au pair is fleixble, you get to experience a new country, learn the local language and learn some valuable skills. There are loads of websites which families advertise on for au pairs like Au Pair World and Find Au Pair, as well as Facebook groups that can help you connect with people in the same area once you land a job so you don't feel totally alone.

5. Work a season

Seasonal work like in chalets or holiday resorts could be an option. If you fancy heading to the Alps, check out Work A Season and Ski Jobs because now's the time to apply for the the next skiing season. Or if you want something further afield try a ski season in Japan with Snow Japan.

It’s not too late to get something sorted for the summer; websites like Season Workers have still got vacancies available. If you want a warmer climate, companies like Thomas Cook start their recruitment process in November.

6. Become a house sitter

Literally you'd just be living in someone elses house whilst they're away (often looking after a pet or two) letting you see lots of different places without having to spend money on accomodation. Obviously this requires moving around quite a bit (unless you bag yourself a long-term house sit somewhere) but it's worth a shot. House Carers have loads of listings all over the world as does Trusted House Sitters and House Sitters America is for, you guessed it, people in America looking for house sitters.

7. Make some cash

If you don’t fancy getting a standard full time/part time job just yet, there’s still other ways to make some cash and keep your parents off your back. Sign up to TaskRabbit, an app where people advertise tasks or general errands they need doing like assembling a flat plack or doing admin. Create your profile, list your skills and have a brose. It'll tell you when a job comes up in your area that’s suited to your skills as well.

People Per Hour is similar in that you can sell your skills to people, but it tends to be more corporate, professional tasks.

Let’s also not forget eBay, Depop or going to a good old fashioned car boot sale for some pocket money – it’s probably time you had a clear out anyway, isn’t it?

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Follow Chemmie on Twitter @chemsquier

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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