South Park showed the power of the Lorde by not actually taking the piss out of her in the episode they featured her in. In fact, it was more of a comment on her uberfan truthers (the ones who want to expose that she's not actually 18) than her.
A social experiment showing a woman getting persistently catcalled as she walked through New York for ten hours went viral. However, problems arose when the director admitted he'd cut out any white men who’d been leering at the woman.

While rumoured to be dating ex-Skins star Jack O’Connell (and later uploaded a photo of his neck covered in hickeys with the caption ‘sexybum’) Cara Delevingne took part in the Self Evident Truths project, where people who identify as anything other than straight pose for a photo as part of a collection to show just what people on the LGBTQi spectrum look like.
Richard Branson was pretty much forced to admit that his quest to charge people hundreds of thousands of dollars to take a flight through space might have been overambitious (the space bit, not the getting money off of people) after one of his astronauts died after a test of Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo.
Oscar Pistorius was jailed for just 15 months for killing Reeva Steenkamp, after the presiding judge found that the action was not pre-meditated. Reeva’s family are looking to contest this.
About a year after telling people not to vote (even though young people don’t actually vote, so probably already follow his advice) Russell Brand released his book, Revolution. He spent a lot of the promo tour touching people while being interviewed, using long words and metaphors and refusing to look at any charts. Needless to say, the book sold pretty well. Another prominent figure to have a sadly disproportionate impact on our political discourse was Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader who gobbled down about a hundred pints in celebration of his party’s success in the Clacton-on-Sea by-election. He was then given way too much airtime and attention, because he’s a man of the people, y’know? :/
Banger of the month: For better or for worse, this was the month you couldn't bloody escape Nicki Minaj's Sir Mixalot sampling Anaconda. That video. Oh my.
We were watching: Ben Affleck sweat his chin off in the big screen adaptation of Gone Girl. It was so good – we’re still attempting to channel Rosamund Pike/Amy Dunne’s perma-feist – that we almost wish we’d never read the book, just to feel the full stomach-churn of those story twists.
Political shitstorm of the month: David Cameron didn’t wear a t-shirt saying ‘This is what a feminist looks like’, because, well, either he doesn’t want to be a feminist via t-shirts, or because he just isn’t a feminist.
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Illustration by Sophia Den Breems
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.